P. 37


                                 Jian Song , Xiaofei Wang , Hongming Zhang  and Changyong Pan
                                           1 Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China

                              ABSTRACT                        development of electric light sources. Current statistics show
                                                              that 25% of the world's electricity was depleted by lighting
           Light, originally the natural light, is one of the important   before LED was used as a source replacement. With the full
           contributing  factors  to  the  creation  of  life  on  earth,  the   use of LED lamps, the electricity usage for lighting could
           evolution  of  human  beings  and  the  development  of   eventually be reduced to 4%, which would clearly change the
           civilization.  With  the  emergence  of  electric  light  sources,   whole  world  profoundly.  Dr.  Suiji  Nakamura  and  other
           more  specifically  the  LED  lighting  lamps  which  are  now   colleagues won the Nobel Prize in physics in 2014 precisely
           being utilized all over the world, the concept of Internet of   because of this century's contribution. In future, with people
           light (IoL) using the existing LED illumination network with   spending  more  and  more  time  indoors  (according  to  EPA
           the  combination  of  ICT  technologies  was  created.  It  has   statistics:  people  have  an  averaged  indoor  time  of  87%),
           become popular recently and is now widely believed to have   approaching LED-based lighting networks will have a much
           a  long-lasting  impact.  IoL  not  only  improves  the  lighting   greater impact on people’s daily lives.
           efficiency,  indoor  lighting  comfort  level  and  other  value-
           added  services,  but  also  provides  the  possibilities  for   The  Nobel  Prize  in  Physiology  or  Medicine  2017  was
           regulating human physiological rhythm, especially for the   awarded to Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W.
           alleviation of degenerative neurological diseases, even for   Young  for  their  discoveries  of  molecular  mechanisms
           the  treatment  and  service  of  healthy  lighting  in  a  non-  controlling  the  circadian  rhythm  [1].  They  found  that  for
           intrusive way. This paper first introduces the concept and the   higher  organisms  which  are  normally  light-sensitive,  the
           system  structure  of  IoL,  and  then  gives  the  preliminary   biological  clock  is  a  functional  system  consisting  of
           results and considerations on how this integrated platform   photoreceptor neurons, endocrine systems and gene timing
           can  be  utilized  to  carry  the  life  sciences  research  and   oscillations.  This  produces  the  rhythm  of  day  and  night
           potentially the future applications for the wellness of senior   replacement from the gene expression at microscopic level,
           people. More work could be conducted and it would be quite   cellular metabolism, and to the macroscopic level behavior
           necessary  to  take  into  consideration  standardization  from   description. This research has made neuroscientists start to
           the  perspectives  of  communication,  Internet  of  things   pay close attention to the impact of visible light on living
           applications, and non-intrusive optical intervention therapy.   organisms.
             Keywords – Alzheimer's disease, human physiological   In 2018, Edward S. Boyden and Li-Huei Tsai showed that
              rhythm, Internet of light, LED, non-intrusive optical   optogenetically  driving  fast-spiking  parvalbumin-positive
                           intervention therapy               (FS-PV)-interneurons at gamma (40 Hz) can reduce levels of
                                                              amyloid-β  (Aβ)1–40  and  Aβ  1–42  isoforms  [2].They
                         1.  INTRODUCTION                     designed a non-invasive 40 Hz light-flickering regime that
                                                              successfully reduced levels of Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42 in the
           The  artificial  light  source  is  perhaps  one  of  the  most   visual cortex of pre-depositing mice and mitigated plaque
           important inventions for human beings. Since it is not always   load  in  aged,  depositing  mice  to  attenuate  Alzheimer’s-
           possible  to  enjoy  the  natural  light  day  and  night,  human   disease-associated pathology [3][4].
           beings  started  to  explore  artificial  light  sources,  and  the
           electric light source is an important outcome from this effort.   On  the  other  hand,  LED  lamps  based  on  semiconductor
           Thomas  Edison  first  invented  the  incandescent  lamp,   lighting are becoming more and more popular in the world
           marketed on a large scale in 1879, which is taken as the first   due to their low cost, high luminous efficiency and long-life
           leap in the development of electric light source. In 1938, the   expectancy.  Unlike  the  incandescent  lamps  or  other  light
           birth  of  the  fluorescent  lamp  (low  pressure  gas  discharge   sources in the past, one can easily adjust the intensity and
           lamp) made the electric light source achieve its second giant   color temperature of LED lights to accommodate people’s
           leap. Later, in 1993, the famous blue-light LED technology,   needs.  Preliminary  research  results  show  that  it  could
           invented by Dr. Suiji Nakamura, and successfully promoted   potentially provide a new type of non-intrusive treatment by
           to  commercialization  of  the  LED  lighting  source  is   changing the intensity and color temperature for the indoor
           considered  as  the  third  great  leap  in  the  history  of  the   lighting environment. At present, the problem of an aging

           978-92-61-28401-5/CFP1968P-ART @ ITU 2019       – 17 –                                    Kaleidoscope
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