Page 33 - Proceedings of the 2018 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 33


                                             Emilia Gibellini ; Claudio E. Righetti 1
                                                1 Telecom Argentina, Argentina

                              ABSTRACT                        signals get into the HFC, there is also a possibility that part
                                                              of  the  signals  that  should  be  contained  in  the  cable  are
                                                              egressing  to  the  air,  bringing  noise  into  the  radioelectric
           In the context of proactive maintenance of the HFC networks,  spectrum.  Consequently,  the  identification  of  ingress
           cable  operators  count  on  Full-Band  Capture  (FBC)  to   necessarily leads to a proactive detection of leakage.
           analyze the downstream spectrum and look for impairments.
           There  exists  one  particular  type  of  impairment,  which  is   The identification and fix of the flaws that cause impairments
           ingress, likely to happen along with leakage. Therefore, the   have always been an issue for the field service. CableLabs
           detection of the former leads to the identification of the latter.  refers to the full set of impairment identification capabilities
           We  collect  data  from  FBC  tool,  and  use  unsupervised   as  DOCSIS  Proactive  Network  Maintenance  (PNM)  [1].
           machine  learning  to  group  cable  modems  such  that  the   CableLabs’   InGeNeOS   (Intelligent   Generation-Next
           signal  they  receive  show  common  patterns.  This  allows  a   Operational Systems) working group has been working on -
           characterization  of  all  cable  modems  in  a  service  group.   and continues to work on- a variety of techniques based on
           Then, we use the modems’ locations to determine whether   DOCSIS (Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification)
           the root cause of the flaw is inside the homes or not.   [2] to  deal  with  impairments  to  simplify  these  tasks  and
                                                              improve efficiency.
           Keywords  -  Machine  learning,  unsupervised  learning,
           pattern  clustering,  spectral  analysis,  content  distribution   Modern cable modems, more specifically DOCSIS 3.0 and
           networks, signal processing algorithms.            DOCSIS 3.1, have the capability to measure the spectrum of
                                                              a downstream signal using a high-speed A-D converter (e.g.
                         1.  INTRODUCTION                     2.5 Gsamples/sec). The chipmaker Broadcom announced in
                                                              2011 [3] the first fully digital “Full-Band Capture” tuner chip
           Hybrid  Fiber/Coax  (HFC)  is  the  term  that  describes  the   - able to tune anywhere in the 50 MHz to 1 GHz downstream
           service  delivery  architecture  used  by  cable  operators  and   spectrum.
           Multi System Operators (MSO). The architecture includes a
           combination  of  fiber  optic  cabling  and  coaxial  cabling  to   Full-Band Capture (FBC) allows cable operators to analyze
           distribute video, data and voice content from the headend to   the spectrum of cable modems. Technicians and engineers
           the subscribers, and vice versa. Folds, breaks, corrosion of   would look at the data collected by this tool, in real time, and
           connectors, among others, cause noise and interference, and   look for signs of spectral impairment. Cable operators are
           distort the transmission on the coaxial. This means that the   looking  for  alternatives  to  the  visual  analysis;  efforts  go
           spectrum inside the HFC shows impairments.         mainly towards machine learning as it provides an automatic
                                                              and  hence  more  precise  and  time-efficient  analysis  of  the
           Many  home  devices  emit  signals  on  the  radioelectric   spectrum [4].
           spectrum at frequencies that match the HFC’s upstream band
           (5 to 42 MHz) and downstream bands (50 MHz to 1 GHz).   It is part of our role as scientists to evangelize about machine
           These signals could enter the cable system through poorly   learning technology within our company. In order to do so,
           shielded  cables  or  through  the  communication  devices   we  look  for  applications  that  draw  on  the  most  intuitive
           attached  to  the  cable  network  within  the  home,  causing  a   algorithms.  We  have  found  that  the  use  of  intuitive
           particular type of impairment, which we simply call ingress.   algorithms allows us to transfer knowledge to other areas in
                                                              an effective way.
           The  type  of  ingress  may  vary  according  to  the  kind  of
           damage  in  the  physical  network.  For  instance,  a  broken   In  order  to  develop  this  tool,  we  apply  a  well-known
           coaxial cable may act as a radio antenna, bringing into the   unsupervised  machine  learning  technique,  which  is  the  k-
           HFC spectrum some trace of FM radio signals.       means  clustering  algorithm  to  create  an  easily  replicable
                                                              analysis. The advantage of using k-means is that we can find
           We  know  that  ingress  and  leakage  occur  simultaneously.   this algorithm in almost any software. The ultimate goal is to
           This is quite intuitive because whenever there is ingress, as   group signals in such way that through the identification of

           978-92-61-26921-0/CFP1868P-ART @ 2018 ITU       – 17 –                                    Kaleidoscope
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