Director of Institutional Relations, SEGITTUR
Ramón Ferri has a degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Master in “Project Management” at the UPV and higher course in “Local Public Management” at the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP).
He was an ICT project engineer in the company ETRA I+D, coordinating projects in the framework programs III, IV and V of the European Union.
Since 2001 he has combined his work as an ICT project analyst at the Provincial Council of Valencia with that of senior technician at the Vice-Rectorate for R&D&I of the UPV.From 2005 to September 2007, he was responsible for the ICT projects section of the Provincial Council of Valencia.
From September 2007 to September 2022, he was responsible for the ICT service of Valencia City Council and responsible for the coordination of digital transformation in the field of the smart city.
From September 2022 to the present, he is Director of Institutional Relations of Sociedad Mercantil Estatal para la Gestión de la Innovación y las Tecnologías Turísticas (SEGITTUR).In 2015 award for professional career at the National Congress of Innovation and Public Sector. In 2016 Award for the best Director of Local Administration awarded by Enertic. Currently, he coordinates the thematic group of smart city platforms of the U4SSC initiative.

Sociedad Mercantil Estatal para la Gestión de la Innovación y las Tecnologías Turísticas (SEGITTUR)

Director of Institutional Relations