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ITU GSR 2024

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ITU-T J.1206 (01/2024)

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Smart television operating system – Application programming interface
Recommendation ITU-T J.1206 specifies the application programming interface of a smart television (TV) operating system over integrated broadcast and broadband cable networks. A smart TV operating system is intended to be installed in an integrated broadcast and broadband (IBB)capable cable settop box (STB) and TV and to enable broadcasting and IP-based interactive services provided by cable television operators and thirdparty providers. By running a smart TV operating system, the IBBcapable cable STB and TV will be able to intelligently provide subscribers with advanced and personalized services by downloading and installing advanced and personalized applications from cable operators' platforms and thirdparty platforms, which are interconnected with the related cable operators' platforms.
Recommendation ITU-T J.1206 specifies the application programming interface of a smart TV operating system over integrated broadcast and broadband cable networks, including Java application programming interface and web application programming interface, and conforms to the requirements of Recommendations ITU-T J.1201 and Recommendation ITU-T J.1202. More information can be found in the Recommendations about the specification (Recommendation ITU-T J.1203), security framework (Recommendation ITU-T J.1204) and hardware abstract layer (HAL) interface (Recommendation ITU-T J.1205) of smart TV operating system.
Series title: J series: Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals
  J.1200-J.1209: Smart TV operating system
Approval date: 2024-01-13
Provisional name:J.stvos-api
Approval process:AAP
Status: In force
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 21
Further details: Patent statement(s)
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1 J.1206 (01/2024) In force