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ITU-T F.921 (V2) (08/2018)

عربي | 中文 | English | Español | Français | Русский
Audio-based indoor and outdoor network navigation system for persons with vision impairment
Recommendation ITU-T F.921 explains how audio-based network navigation systems can be designed to ensure that they are inclusive and meet the needs of persons with visual impairments. Recommendation ITU-T F.921 adopts a technology neutral approach by defining and explaining the functional characteristics of the system. The aim is to give designers of audio-based network navigation systems the information that they need at the initial stages of development to anticipate and overcome any restrictions and barriers that prevent users with visual impairments from making full and independent use of the built environment. Recommendation ITU-T F.921 explains how to accommodate users’ experience of audio-based network navigation systems and ensure the interoperability of those systems. This Recommendation recognizes that by meeting the user needs of persons with visual impairments, audio-based network navigation systems may also benefit persons with other disabilities, age-related conditions and specific needs, as well as the general public.

This revision provides updates based on feedback received from field use of this Recommendation, as well as other text clarifications and corrections.
Series title: F series: Non-telephone telecommunication services
  F.900-F.999: Accessibility and human factors
Approval date: 2018-08-29
Provisional name:H.ACC-ANPV
Approval process:AAP
Status: In force
Maintenance responsibility: ITU-T Study Group 16
Further details: Patent statement(s)
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