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Question 1/20

​​Question 1/20 - Research and emerging technologies including terminology and definitions

(Continuation of part of Q20/5, Q1/11, Q2/13, Q3/13, Q11/13, Q25/16)

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to change the lifestyle of the people and the way they interact with the surroundings, especially in smart cities and communities (SC&C). In this regard, it is important to explore the emerging technologies and trends that will contribute to that change. It is expected that IoT will have a significant impact on key infrastructural elements pertaining to cities, including the transportation, health and energy sectors, quality of life (QoL) and environment as well as on society and the economy in general.

To facilitate discussions and to have a common background of relevant issues, the terminologies related to IoT and SC&C need to be coordinated and unified.  Accordingly, it would be appropriate to identify research and analyze emerging applications and solutions for IoT and SC&C.

This Question is tasked to capture and develop definitions, to contribute to a common terminology for IoT and SC&C. Also, this Question can contribute to the research on solutions for interoperability across different technologies (including identification) and taking into account both end-user and market needs. Considering the rapid evolution of the IoT domain, this Question can also contribute to bringing relevant research and technological developments in this area, to the attention of the ITU-T Study Group 20 (SG20).
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:

Tasks include, but are not limited to:



Study Groups:

TSAG and Review Committee

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