Committed to connecting the world

Mandate and lead roles

Study Group 20 (Study Period 2013-2016)

IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities (SC&C)

Study Group 20 is responsible for studies relating to Internet of Things (IoT) and its applications, with an initial focus on Smart Cities and Communities (SC&C).

ITU-T SG 20 will work on the following items:

Additionally, ITU-T SG20 management will, in coordination with the TSB Director and TSAG, as needed, investigate ways to more efficiently run its meetings and to encourage participation of external players, including other SDOs, forums and consortia (such as oneM2M, IEEE, ISO, IEC, JTC1 etc…) as well as small and medium enterprises and start-up companies actively working in the IoT space.

Lead Study Group Roles