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Question 7/13

Question 7/13 - Deep packet inspection in support of service/application awareness in evolving networks
(Continuation of Question 17/13)
As NGNs continue to evolve and future networks emerge, packet-based networks are not only used to access information on the World Wide Web and to send email, but also to view television, listen to radio programmes, play games, talk to each other, buy/sell goods and communicate with everyday objects. When all these services/applications are passing through the same packet based networks, deep packet inspection is essential for network operators to know the distribution of service/application traffic in the network. Deep packet inspection is a generic core technology and a common building block for evolving networks. Based on deep packet inspection, operators can optimize service/application traffic on their networks by managing bandwidth, improve quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE), they can also make efficient use of network resources, reduce costs, and capital investment by avoiding the need to upgrade the network capacity.
There is a need to identify the requirements, capabilities and solutions for service/application identification/awareness/visibility based on deep packet inspection in evolving networks (including NGNs, Smart Ubiquitous Networks, Internet of Things and Future Networks).
An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG 13 Work Program
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
  • What enhancements to existing Recommendation are needed to enable services/applications identification/awareness/visibility, to enable traffic and resource optimization based on deep packet inspection in evolving networks (including NGNs, Smart Ubiquitous Networks, Internet of Things and Future Networks)?
  • What new Recommendations are needed to provide a framework for deep packet inspection in evolving networks?
  • What new Recommendations are needed to support emerging application scenarios/use cases of deep packet inspection in evolving networks?
  • What enhancements to existing Recommendations are possible to provide DPI specific energy savings?
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
  • Enhancements of Y.dpireq in evolving networks (including NGNs, Smart Ubiquitous Networks, Internet of Things and Future Networks);
  • Development of new Recommendations on a DPI framework in evolving networks;
  • Development of new Recommendations in support of various DPI application scenarios/use cases in evolving networks.
  • All NGNs, Smart Ubiquitous Networks, Internet of Things and Future Networks, Security and QoS related Questions.
Study groups:
  • All NGNs, Smart Ubiquitous Networks, Internet of Things and Future Networks Security and QoS related study groups.
Standardization bodies, forums and consortia:
  • IETF