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Question 6/13

Question 6/13 - Requirements and mechanisms for network QoS enablement (including support for softward-defined networking)
(Continuation of Question 4/13)
A key characteristic of existing and emerging networks is the use of a smart transport for supporting all applications and services. Different types of applications/services (e.g., Web Services, IP telephony, IPTV and Context/Content-aware services), however, have varied QoS/QoE requirements, all of which must be supported by this smart transport. Hence appropriate mechanisms are needed to achieve the required levels of QoS/QoE, especially for applications that are delay-and loss-sensitive. Such applications may also require a large amount of bandwidth and strict quality assurance, which makes the support for QoS/QoE challenging.
To support QoS/QoE in a consistent, efficient, dynamic and secure fashion, considerations need to be given to the following aspects:
  • QoE and Application QoS requirements;
  • varied types of transport technology including evolutionary and revolutionary technologies (e.g., Ethernet, IP and MPLS in the core network; DSL, UMTS, WiFi, WiMAX, LTE, and LTE-advanced in the access network) and endpoints (e.g., smart phone/tablet, laptop, and set-top box), and multiple administrative domains (e.g., home networks, enterprise networks, provider networks, and private/public clouds) in an end-to-end path;
  • availability and accuracy of network topology and load information;
  • use of multicast and other emerging content distribution mechanisms (e.g., Content-Centric Networking (CCN));
  • QoS/QoE for Software-defined networking (SDN);
  • QoS/QoE for content delivery networks and their interconnection;
  • granularity of QoS control;
  • user nomadicity and mobility from QoS perspective;
  • service level agreement between providers or between a provider and a customer;
  • QoS related policy taking into account the policy continuum (e.g., business policy, system policy, administrator policy, and device policy, and the mapping relationship among them);
  • use of overlay technology (peer-to-peer or otherwise) for routing around network congestion, reliable multicast support, etc.;
  • Recommendations under responsibility of this Question can be found at
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
  • What new Recommendations or enhancements to existing Recommendations are needed to enable QoS/QoE support in the Future Networks (including software defined and autonomic networking), especially for performance-sensitive and bandwidth-demanding applications/services (e.g., IPTV, Telepresence)?
  • What new Recommendations or enhancements to existing Recommendations are needed to leverage NGN QoS mechanisms in overlay, content delivery networks, and content centric networks, such as those for intelligent content delivery and reliable multicast?
  • What new Recommendations or enhancement to existing Recommendations are needed for QoS/QoE support for network operating systems?
  • What new Recommendations are needed to provide the resource control and management for achieving end-to-end QoS in a heterogeneous environment involving different QoS mechanisms and multiple provider domains?
  • What new Recommendations or enhancement to existing Recommendations related to policy control are needed for deep packet inspection?
  • What guidance is needed for ensuring that QoS/QoE matters raised by other Questions in Study Group 13 are addressed satisfactorily?
  • What enhancements to existing Recommendations are required to provide energy savings directly or indirectly in information and communication technologies (ICTs) or in other industries?
  • What enhancements to developing or new Recommendations are required to provide such energy savings?
NOTE – All new study items will take into account existing standards from other SDO’s (e.g., IETF and 3GPP).
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
  • maintenance of the Recommendations in force that are under the responsibility of this Question;
  • development of new Recommendations or enhancement to existing Recommendations on QoS/QoE support for:
    • overlay and content delivery networks;
    • network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE);
    • smart Ubiquitous Networks (SUN);
    • softward Defined Networks (SDN);
    • future networks;
    • network operating systems.
  • development of new Recommendations or enhancement to existing Recommendations on end-to-end QoS/QoE;
  • development of new Recommendations or enhancement to existing Recommendations in support of deep packet inspection;
  • guidance to other Questions on QoS/QoE matters.
  • Y-series and Q-series
  • All NGN, Future Networks, cloud computing, IoT, IPTV and QoS related Questions
Study Groups:
  • SG 12 on QoS and study groups related to NGN, Future Networks, cloud computing, IoT, and IPTV
Standardization bodies, fora and consortia:
  • 3GPP
  • Broadband Forum
  • IEEE 802 LAN/MAN
  • IETF