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Question 10/13

Question 10/13 - Coordination and management for multiple access technologies (Multi-connection)
(Continuation of Question 9/13)
Concurrent usages of different access technologies provide users with different user experiences, such as broad bandwidth, low time delay, and high security. The main purpose of multiple connections is to federate all means of access technologies in order to access the network ubiquitously (from everywhere and at any time). Users and operators will benefit from harmonization of multiple connections, such as the efficient utilization of network resources, load balancing, reliability of connection, and continuity of services, among others.
This question focuses on the study of the coordination and management for multiple access technologies (Multi-connection).
Multi-connection refers to the collection of multiple connections between two or more peer(N)entities receiving and/or transmitting simultaneously. All connections are coordinated and managed to provide service to higher layer entities.
Recommendations and Draft Recommendation under responsibility of this Question include:
  • ITU-T Supplement 9 to Y.2000-series: Supplement on multi-connection scenarios
  • ITU-T Y.2251: Multi-connection Requirement
  • ITU-T Y.2027: Functional architecture of Multi-connection
  • ITU-T Y.2252: Identification and configuration of resources for Multi-Connection
  • ITU-T Y.MC-Streaming: Streaming Service over Multi-connection
  • ITU-T Y.MC-eMMTEL: Capabilities of Multi-connection to Support enhanced Multimedia Telephony (eMMTel) Services
  • ITU-T Y.MC-URM: Unified Registration Mechanism in Multi-connection
  • ITU-T Y.MC-SELECT: Intelligent Access Selection in Multi-connection
  • ITU-T Y.MC-MPT: Multi-path Transmission Control in Multi-connection
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:
  • What new service and functions could be supported by Multi-connection technologies?
  • What functional architecture and related technologies should be supported and new functional requirements developed to support coordination and management for multiple access technologies?
  • What are the impacts of the Multi-connection technologies to future network?
  • Which innovative network technologies and techniques are required to support Multi-connection?
  • Which enhancements to existing Recommendations are required to provide energy savings directly or indirectly in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) or in other industries? Which enhancements to developing or new Recommendations are required to provide such energy savings?
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
  • Develop Recommendations based on the study of multi-connection and their harmonization in mobile networks utilizing fixed and mobile accesses and their components in the context of the questions above
  • Determine scenarios for Multi-connection to support multimedia services, especially for real- time services such as VoIP, Gaming, video streaming, real time text and Video on Demand
  • Identify and study enhancements to existing Recommendations related to service requirements for Multi-connection technologies
  • Develop network architecture enhancements to support Multi-connection technologies
  • Study the innovative network technologies and techniques related with multi-connection, such as intelligent access selection, unified registration mechanism, etc.;
  • Identify which QoS mapping mechanisms among RATs need to be executed in multi-connection to provide networks with acceptable levels of quality of perception.
  • Although, it is foreseen that new Recommendations may be required, the outputs produced under this question will generally progress through, or in coordination with, other related questions.
  • Y-series in SG 13
  • All NGN and FN related Questions
Study Groups:
  • ITU Study Groups involved with Multi-connection studies
Standardization bodies:
  • ITU-R
  • 3GPP
  • 3GPP2
  • IEEE
  • IETF