Committed to connecting the world

WRS 16 - Space workshops

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The main objective of thSpace workshops is to allow the WRS-16​ participants to become familiar with the coordination and notification procedures for space systems and earth stations with particular attention on data capture, validation, technical and regulatory examination and publication of notices submitted by administrations fo​r inclusion in the formal coordination procedures for recording in the Master International Frequency Register (​MIFR)​​​.

​List of  WRS-16 Space Workshop participants:​

​​Questions related to the WRS-16 Space workshops may be addressed to: WRS16-Space​


​Indicativ​e Timeline
Wednesday - 14.12.2016

(ITU - R​oom POPOV)

​Thursday - 15.12.2016

(ITU - Room POPOV)

​Friday - 16.12.2016

(ITU - Room POPOV)

09:00 - 10:45

CICG - Pre​sentations

Plans and Lists AP30/AP30A


AP30/30A submissions

AP30B submissions

Submission of
comments using

BR IFIC and SpaceCom


SpaceCom for API/B  

SpaceCom for CR/D  

SpaceCom for CR/E

SpaceCom for AP30/30A

​10:45 - 11:15Break ​
​Break ​
​11:15 - 1​1:30 

Plans and Lists AP30 B

Analysis of AP30B 

examination results

​​​Coordination of
satellite networks

Frequency Overlap

​Exercise: ​EPFD​ ​

​11:30 - 11:50 
Analysis of AP30/30A 
examination results
​11:50 - 12:00Commenting
​12:00 - 12:30​Q&A
​Notification of satellite networks
​12:30 - 14:00​​ LUNCH ​LUNCH​ ​LUNCH
Notification of
satellite networks
11​.32A, 11.41 PART III-S publication scenario 
data for t​he exercise
​14:00 - 14:30

BR software installation (V8)​

​Earth Station (ES)  
Submission of ES Notification

ES capture instructions​​
​14:30 - 15:00
Non-Plan services
​15:00 - 15:15
Cost Recovery
​15:15 - 15:30Bre​ak ​ ​​Exercise: ​
Characteristics of
Typical ES in FSS
​15:30 - 15:45Br​eak ​ Regulatory Assistance
(15:30 - 16:00)
​15:45 - 16:45
Coordination of
satellite networks


Coordination request

Coordination of
satellite networks


PFD hard limits

PFD trigger

Averaging BW

Exercise: AP8

C/I Calculation concepts
(16:​00 - 16:15)
Bringing into use
How to obtain info from the SSD
website and BR IFIC database
​16:45 - 17:15
Notification of
satellite networks
Implem​entation of​​ WRC-15
 ​Outcomes on Satellite Services​
​17:15 ​​- 18:00
​Special Session for
Plan services
​​Special ​​​​​Session for
non-Plan services
Space services 
Final Q&A​​


​​​ ​ ​Space service rel​ated presentations at the WRS-16 (CICG)​​​
​​Timing ​ ​ ​Topic/Title Presenter
Space S​ervices
14:00 to​ 15:15
Orbit/Spectrum International Regulatory Fr​amework Mr. Y. Henri, Chief, SSD
BRIFIC (Space Services) Mr. A. Matas, Head, SPR
Space website Mr. A. Matas, Head, SPR
​ ​​TUE 13.DEC
Space ​​Services
15:45 to 17:00
​​Non-Planned Satellite Services (Coordination and Notification procedures) Mr. M. Sakamoto, Head, SSC
Planned Satellite Services (Appendices 30/30A & 30B) Mr. J. Wang, Head, SNP
​ ​​ ​​ ​WED 14.DEC
Space Services
10:45 to 12:00
Space Preface Mr. A. Matas, Head, SPR
Space Databases Ms. H. Naciri, SAS
​BR​soft​ Mr. M. Cosic, Head, SAS
Harmful Interference​ ​ Mr. J. Ciccorossi, SSC

​​ ​