Committed to connecting the world

Regional Initiatives and Projects/ Activities

Regional initiatives are adopted in World Telecommunications Development Conferences (WTDC) and are intended to address specific telecommunication/information and communication technology (ICT) priority areas, through partnerships and resource mobilization to implement small-, medium- and large scale projects. Under each regional initiative, projects are developed and implemented to meet the region's needs.
In fulfilling the Union's dual responsibility as a United Nations specialized agency and executing agency for implementing projects under the United Nations development system or other funding arrangements so as to facilitate and enhance telecommunication/ICT development, ITU D offers, organizes and coordinates technical cooperation assistance through regional initiatives and projects.

The Arab Regional Initiatives adopted for the period 2011-2014 are as follows:
Regional Initiative 1: Broadband access network
Regional Initiative 2: Digital broadcasting
Regional Initiative 3: Open-source software
Regional Initiative 4: Arabic digital content
Regional Initiative 5: Cybersecurity

The Arab Regional Initiatives adopted for the period 2015-2017 are as follows:
Regional Initiative 1: Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband
Regional Initiative 2: Building confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ICTs
Regional Initiative 3: Use of telecommunications/ICTs for smart and sustainable development and protection of the environment
Regional Initiative 4: Smart learning
Regional Initiative 5: Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for persons with disabilities

The Arab Regional Initiatives adopted for the period 2018-2021 are as follows:
Regional Initiative 1: Environment, climate change and emergency telecommunications
Regional Initiative 2: Confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/information and communication technologies
Regional Initiative 3: Digital financial inclusion
Regional Initiative 4: Internet of Things, smart cities and big data
Regional Initiative 5: Innovation and entrepreneurship

Implemented, Closed or being Implemented Projects

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Ongoing Projects

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