Committed to connecting the world

Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for persons with disabilities


The inclusion in society of persons with disabilities is a policy of Member States. The objective of such policy is to bring about the necessary conditions for persons with disabilities to enjoy the same opportunities in life as the rest of the population. The disabilities policy has evolved, and is not limited to basic healthcare, education of children with disabilities and rehabilitation of persons who have suffered disability during their adulthood. Telecommunications/ICTs have been acknowledged as essential for social, cultural, economic, political and democratic development as well as exercising several fundamental rights. Access to telecommunications/ICTs for all including people with disabilities has been acknowledged by many foras.  Recently, the World Telecommunications Development Conference adopted the fifth Arab Regional Initiative titled Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for
persons with disabilities”.  This shows a clear level of acknowledgment and commitment by the members especially in the Arab region to prioritize this fundamental issue regionally in the period 2015-2018.  The following are the objective and expected results adopted by WTDC for this regional initiative:    

Objective: To ensure the right of access to telecommunications/ICTs for persons with disabilities in the Arab region.]

Expected results

Assistance to the countries in the following:

  1. Formulation and updating of national and regional regulatory policies and frameworks to ensure access for persons with disabilities of all kinds to telecommunications/ICTs, facilitating their involvement in the community and enabling them to enjoy their full rights
  2. Development of ICT applications and software that enable persons with disabilities to access information, references and other resources for education and leisure, and provision of specialized national and regional applications for libraries, databases and other purposes via the Internet and other telecommunication/ICT media
  3. Participation of persons with disabilities in Arab workshops, training courses and conferences, by providing all the requirements and facilities and removing all the obstacles.