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ITU Training on Certified IPv6 Network Engineering Level 2 (CNE6 Level 2) for Arab LDCs, Khartoum-Sudan, 2-6 April 2017

​​​Within the framework of the cooperation agreement signed between the ITU and the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and in cooperation with the Specialized Training Center on IPv6 of the National Telecommunications Corporation of the Republic of Sudan and within the Human Capacity Project on IPv6 for Arab least developed countries, the second specialized training course on "Certified IPv6 Network Engineering – Level 2 (CNE6 Level 2"  will be held in Khartoum-Sudan, 2-6 April 2017.

Among several topics will be addressed during this training, The following topics will be covered:

  • Understand key protocol differences of IPv6 versions of RIP, OSPF and BGP
  • Describe routing protocols interactions in dual stack environments
  • Recognize the configuration of DHCPv6-PD on different platforms
  • Describe the key security vulnerabilities around NDP
  • Describe the key security vulnerabilities around IPv6 addressing structure

This training is targeted at Professionals from ICT Sectors, Telecom Operators Project leaders, IPv6 Program managers and IPv6 Project Managers, Project team members, Functional Managers, Engineers, IPv6 strategic and business planners.

It should be noted that participation in this training requires that the candidate has passed the exam of the IPv6 Certified Network Engineer Level1 (CNE6-1) and obtain CNE6-1 certificate.