Registration to PP-18 is carried out exclusively online by each participant interested in participating. Every request for participation must be validated by the Focal Points (DFPs) designated by each administration and entity of the following categories entitled to participate:

    • Member States of the ITU (CV 268)
    • State of Palestine (Res. 99 (Rev. Busan, 2014))
    • the United Nations (CV 269A)
    • Regional Telecommunications Organizations (CV 269B)
    • Intergovernmental organizations operating satellite systems (CV 269C)
    • specialized agencies of the UN and the IAEA (CV 269D)
    • Sector Members referred to in CV 229 (ROA, SIO or FDI) and CV 231 (Regional and other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organizations)

Provision of information through the online registration system does not exempt Member States from the need to submit an original credentials document (see Credentials section).

As per the ITU Secretary-General's commitment as an International Gender Champion, we encourage you to include women in your delegation. 

Important information on visa: Entry visas to the United Arab Emirates cannot be obtained through the ITU secretariat. Participants can complete visa information in the online registration form. Visa request, together with participant passport details, will be transmitted to the authorities of the United Arab Emirates. In addition, participants still have to proceed officially with visa request through the Host Country website at


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 In order to register for PP-18, you must have an ITU user account or TIES access.

--> You already have an ITU user account or TIES access: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER 

--> You do NOT have an ITU user account yet: please follow these three STEPS:

  2.   ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT [TIES access* to conference documents can be requested at the same time – this request will have to be validated by focal point]
  3.   REGISTERConfirmation of registration will be sent as soon as focal points for registration have validated the requests for registration.

Information for Delegate Registration Focal Points (DFPs):

    • you need your user account or TIES access to register yourself (step 3. above) or access the list of participants related to your delegation.
    • when a participant registers, you will receive an email inviting you to validate/reject this request.
    • once a registration is validated by you, the participant will receive a confirmation e-mail with registration ID and further details.
    • when you register yourself, as DFP, your registration will be automatically confirmed.

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* TIES Access (formerly called TIES account): the TIES access allows a delegate to access the registration form, as well as to open TIES-protected documents, and access other ITU services. The creation of the User Account does not automatically provide a TIES access. To request this TIES access rights, login to your user account and click on request TIES access. It will have to be validated by the Focal Point. Without TIES Access, a delegate will be able to register via the User account, but will not be able to open TIES-protected PP-18 documents.