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Угол режиссера BDT: речи

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Closing remarks, Regional Preparatory Meeting (RPM) for CIS
Chisinau, Moldova  21 February 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Distinguished delegates,
It is with much satisfaction that I address you at the end of this Regional Preparatory Meeting. This event was special for me personally because it is my first RPM as Director of the Development Bureau and the first Regional Preparatory Meeting leading to the next World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-14), to be held at the end of March 2014 in Sharm Al-Cheikh, Egypt.
I therefore want to thank you for making this meeting a very memorable event. It will also serve as a good reference for the other upcoming RPM events including the next WTDC.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who participated in the ITU Regional Development Forum for the CIS which was help on 18 February. The output was used as one of the key inputs for the Regional Preparatory Meeting which was attended by 76 delegates coming ten countries, 5recognized operating agencies, 4 scientific and industrial organizations and 5 regional and international organizations. Two countries and one sector member from other regions also participate in the meeting. The RPM considered 29 well prepared contributions.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
When I look at the final report, I am very pleased that you have come up with clear, practical and results-based outputs which include strategic issues, regional initiatives, priority areas and study group questions highlighting the region's priorities. These good outputs will facilitate your preparatory work towards WTDC-14.
You might have noticed that I was carefully listening to your deliberations. I wanted to capture the priorities of the region as I continue to implement the Hyderabad Action Plan until end of 2014.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to assure you that the m-Powering Development and the Smart Sustainable Development Model initiatives that I referred to in my Opening Speech, will go a long way in supporting your efforts towards the implementation of the regional initiatives and priorities that you have identified here.
Your Excellency, Ms Miheale Iacob,
Once again, I wish to thank you and your entire team for making our meeting here possible and our stay memorable. On behalf of all the participants, I would like to thank you, and through you the government and the people of Moldova for the profound hospitality.
I would like to thank the Vice Chairmen for your efficient running of this meeting which concluded its work in good time.
I would like to thank all the countries and sector Members of the region as well as other countries and sector members from other regions for your participation and your valuable contributions.
I would like also to extend my appreciation to Mr. Nurudin Mukhitdinov and all the RRC team for their kind cooperation and contribution.
To the interpreters, I say: keep up the good work. You worked for long hours to support us.
To the team of Mr. Tarlev and all the Moldovan staff including the staff of the conference room and the hotel, I would like to express my sincere thank you for your hardworking and support.
Let me also thank all the sponsors and particularly Mod Telecom that is an ITU-D Sector Member for their support.
Finally, I would like to thank my ITU colleagues here present, and those in Geneva and ITU field offices who in one way or another contributed to the success of this meeting.
Let me now conclude with a Big Thank to this region. You gave us Mr. Yury Grin, with whom I have been working as my Deputy for 2 years. I am very happy that his last meeting in this capacity is taking place in this region because Mr. Yury Grin will be retiring at the end of this month.
We will certainly miss him and I will personally remember him as a hard worker, as an honest, loyal and a dedicated Result-oriented Deputy to the Director. But again, nobody from the ICT sector ever disappears - it is an addictive sector. I am sure he will continue to be among us in one way or another.
At the same time, let me introduce Mr. Philipe Metzger, who will join BDT as Deputy to the Director starting 1st April 2013. Mr. Metzger brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in the ICT field, having worked in various companies in the private and public sectors.
He worked in the capacity of Director of Telecom, Director of Trade Relations, Senior Legal Officer, Senior Corporate Counsel and most recently as the Deputy Director General of OFCOM, the Telecom/ICT Regulator of Switzerland.
Again, you are the first I am introduced him to. We look forward together to continue serving you each day better than the day before. 
With these words, I wish you all the delegates a safe trip back home.
Thank you.