WSIS Prizes 2020 Champion Success Stories of WSIS Action Lines Implementation and SDGs Advancement


Session 169

12:00–13:00 CEST (UTC+02:00), Wednesday, 24 June 2020 Thematic Workshop

Join us in unique opportunity to learn how ICTs are making economic, social, and environmental impact on the ground around the world in 2020. The WSIS Prizes, as an integral part of the WSIS Stocktaking, have been serving as a major international repository since 2012 for sharing and promoting good information and communication technology solutions which are advancing development. Since April this year, with the world struck by the Coronavirus pandemic, this online platform started collecting projects and activities on how ICTs are assisting stakeholders in their everyday life, work, and responding to challenges caused by this extraordinary disease.

As part of a series of five virtual Interactive Sessions on WSIS Prizes 2020 Champion Success Stories of WSIS Action Lines Implementation and SDGs Advancement to be held this summer (24 June, 25 June, 14 August, 21 August, 26 August) and moderated by the WSIS Team, the first session will host eight speakers from different regions and various stakeholder types, including two from Arab States, two from Americas, two from Asia and Pacific, and two from Europe; as per the stakeholder type: three are representatives of governments, two are from private sector, two from civil society, and one from and international organization.

This series will seek to provide useful, replicable, and actionable information to WSIS community and beyond, and invite all to make good and timely use of this data, reach out to our speakers, and promote ICTs as enablers of SDGs.

Maintained by ITU, the WSIS Stocktaking has been collecting relevant information and communication technology projects advancing development since 2004. With more than 13,000 entries, since 2015, it also started collecting data on how ICTs are helping advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This year, 800 projects will be showcased through the global WSIS Stocktaking 2020 Report, and six Regional WSIS Stocktaking Reports, which will be launched during the WSIS Forum 2020 in September.
As an integral part of the WSIS Stocktaking, the 9th edition of the WSIS Prizes are recognizing best 90 ICT projects through series of virtual workshops starting from 22 June, culminating with the virtual WSIS Prizes 2020 Ceremony, which will take place on 7 September with the announcement of this year’s 18 winners. Since its launch in 2012, more than 3,000 projects were submitted to this globally recognized contest.

Mr Vladimir Stankovic ICT Policy Analyst ITU Moderator

Mr Catalin Marinescu Head of Strategy and Planning Division ITU Moderator

Ms Marisabel Bilardo Instituto Tecnologico de Buenos Aires, Robotito – ITBA, Argentina

Ms Chan Yang Chu The Nomadic Livestock Management Project, Lives'Talk, Korea (Rep. of)

Ms Fatmah Ahmed Alabdouli UAE Infrastructure Geo-spatial Platform Ministry of Infrastructure Development, United Arab Emirates

Dr Rotraut Krall ARCHES Museums App, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien (KHM-Museumsverband), Austria

Mr Vineet Kumar Digital Shakti, Cyber Peace Foundation, India

Mr Mariano Muñoz Digital Inclusion-Free WiFi, Agencia Digital de Innovación Pública, Mexico

Mr Giacomo Rambaldi Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP EU, Netherland

Professor Fahad Almansour Skill Register, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia

Cultural Diversity Cybersecurity Digital Divide Digital Economy Digital Inclusion Education Ethics Infrastructure
WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C2 logo C2. Information and communication infrastructure
  • AL C3 logo C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4 logo C4. Capacity building
  • AL C7 E–EMP logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-employment
  • AL C7 E–AGR logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-agriculture
  • AL C8 logo C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content
  • AL C10 logo C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 1 logo Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Goal 2 logo Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Goal 4 logo Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 8 logo Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9 logo Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 10 logo Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11 logo Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 16 logo Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
  • Goal 17 logo Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development