Moderated High-Level Policy Session 11

ICT applications and services

Session 326

10:00–11:00, Wednesday, 21 March 2018 Room 1, CICG Captioning Interpretation: EN/FR/AR/ZH/ES/RU High-Level Policy Session Speakers/Panellists  Documents 

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High-level Track Facilitator: Ms. Moira de Roche, IFIP, International


1.       Moderated by High-level Track Facilitator: Ms. Moira de Roche, IFIP IP3 Chairman, Global Industry Council Director

2.       Chairman of WSIS Forum

3.       WSIS Action Line Facilitator ITU – Mr. Kemal Huseinovic, Chief, Department of Infrastructure, Enabling Environment and E-Applications (IEE)

4.       Mali - H.E. Mr. Arouna Modibo Touré, Ministre, Ministère de l'Economie numérique et de la Communication

5.       Iran (Islamic Republic of) – H.E. Mr. Nasrollah Jahangard, Vice Minister for Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Information & Communication Technology

6.       Poland – H.E. Mr. Karol Okonski, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Digital Affairs

7.       India –Mr. Prabhash Singh, Member (Technology and Services) Telecom Commission, Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications

8.       SSVAR - Swiss Society of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality – Mr. Jean-Philippe Mohamed Sangare, Founder and CEO

9.       VecnaCares– Mr. Paul Amendola, Executive Director

10.   WSIS TBC

11.   WSIS TBC

12.   WSIS TBC


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