ICTs and Public Health: Reaching the last mile in Resource Constrained Environments

RBM Partnership to End Malaria, iKure, IIMC

Session 240

11:00–13:00, Monday, 19 March 2018 Room K2, ITU Montbrillant Thematic Workshop Speakers/Panellists  Link to WSIS Action Lines  Link to SDGs 

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The presentations will focus on how appropriate eHealth solutions can strengthen health systems and empower community health workers to manage the delivery and promotion of healthcare to reach the last mile in resource constrained environments by leveraging digital tools such as point-of-care diagnostic devices, digital health records, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence to facilitate remote health care support for better management of routine services, supply chain management and integrated care for Non-Communicable Diseases among others.



ICT Challenges for Accessing Remote Populations to End Malaria

Joshua P. Levens, Manager, Advocacy and Resource Mobilisation Partner Committee
RBM Partnership to End Malaria

The presentation will demonstrate how global partnership can facilitate the use of ICT to address challenges for accessing remote populations to end Malaria through solutions for Surveillance and Control for Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Examples include Mapping Facilities, Storages and Community Assets; deploying Drones for Medicine delivery for hard-to-reach facilities; Health Facility Information Systems; Data warehouse for interoperable performance assessment and management; Community Service Information Systems; Track community personnel, assets, and services and; Decision Support Tools.

Innovation for Global Health: Strengthening the vaccine supply chain with data 

Martin Lukac, CTO & Co-founder of Nexleaf Analytics

This presentation will focus on how remote temperature monitoring (RTM) benefits the vaccine sector by empowering every level of the immunization system, and enabling Ministries of Health to make data-informed decisions for an improved cold chain system. We will share our experiences in monitoring vaccine refrigerators across 10 countries with our ColdTrace technology and in monitoring vaccines during transport in Mozambique.

Mobile solutions in India at the last mile 
Sujay Santra, iKure Techsoft Private Limited

The presentation will focus on how iKure leverages village women as community health workers, trained and equipped with health IT system to deliver prevention and wellness intervention for India’s rural population. Utilizing integrated ICT solutions such as wireless technology, digital health cards, and artificial intelligence, we will showcase how we are transforming the public healthcare system from curative based model into community based preventive healthcare system enabling holistic well-being of the communities, better management of routine health services and supply chain challenges at the last mile. 


Session's link to WSIS Action Lines

  • AL C7 e-Hea logo C7. ICT Applications: E-health

Session's link to Sustainable Development Process

  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being logo Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all


Link to this session