Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain

National Digital Strategy, Mexico

Session 187

16:30–18:15, Monday, 19 March 2018 Room H2, ITU Montbrillant Thematic Workshop Speakers/Panellists 

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Using emerging technologies to Foster Development

The panel seeks to share the Artificial Intelligence and BlockChain implementation success stories in latin america and other countries. The use of advanced technologies in favor of the user, the commitment with citizens and the continuous development in efficiency of the electronic government and especially its applications to enhance digital services.


Yolanda Martinez Mancilla National Digital Strategy Coordinator (CEDN) Responsible for coordinating the implementation and follow up the National Digital Strategy under a multistakeholder approach in collaboration with the digital ecosystem in Mexico.


Enzo Le Fevre

Senior Expert of the International Affairs Office and the AI Task Force at the Agency for Digital Italy. He also leads the OECD E-leaders Working Group on Emerging Technologies.

María Caro Varela

Project Manager and BlockChain Initiative leader at the Digital Government Unit.Coordinates the delivery of initiative and the Advisory Council

Eng. Nicolás Pineda Salazar

Technology Adviser

Currently Pineda Salazar is the technology adviser of the Blockchain HackMX team’s initiative at the Digital Guvernment Unit

Mtra. Cristina Cardenas

General Coordinator of @prendemx

Leads the digital skills model at basic education level incorporating computational thinking


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