Connecting communities by building digital skills – a way towards the SDGs

International Chamber of Commerce Business Action to Support the Information Society

session 137 organizer(s) logo

Session 137

16:30–18:15, Thursday, 22 March 2018 Room C2, ITU Tower Thematic Workshop Speakers/Panellists  Link to WSIS Action Lines  Link to SDGs  Summary Document  Documents 

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Information communication technology (ICT) is recognised as an important tool to further the Sustainable Development Goals. For this to be possible, populations must be equipped with the necessary skills to meaningfully use and benefit from the full potential of ICT.

Through robust, interactive dialogue with business and government experts from all parts of the world, the workshop aims to explore challenges and opportunities developing countries face when seeking to provide meaningful connectivity to their populations and empower local communities with the necessary skills to reap the benefits of ICT and the digital economy.

By sharing case studies, best practices and lessons learned from implementing public-private projects the workshop will gather a variety of perspectives on questions such as: What do we mean by digital skills? Why do we need them? What is their impact on the socio-cultural and economic development of a community?

Representatives of all stakeholder groups will be invited to offer their point of view and discuss how their expertise can be best put to use when developing projects aimed at enhancing digital skills.


- Ms Elizabeth Thomas-Raynaud, Senior Policy Executive, Digital Economy / Director, BASIS, International Chamber of Commerce


Ms Aurelie Adam-Soule, Minister of Digital Economy and Communication, Benin

Ms Lauren Dawes, International Relations, GSMA

Ms Yolanda Martinez Mancilla, Chief, National Digital Strategy, Mexico (invited)

Ms Carolyn Nguyen, Director, Technology Policy, Microsoft

Ms Susana Puerto, Coordinator Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, International Labour Organization

Session's link to WSIS Action Lines

  • AL C2 logo C2. Information and communication infrastructure
  • AL C3 logo C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4 logo C4. Capacity building
  • AL C5 logo C5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs
  • AL C6 logo C6. Enabling environment
  • AL C11 logo C11. International and regional cooperation

Session's link to Sustainable Development Process

  • Goal 4: Quality education logo Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth logo Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure logo Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals logo Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development