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ITU 150

Human Capacity Building in Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection

Project No 9THA15030
Title Human Capacity Building in Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection

Having been mandated to ensure safe and secure environment and build confidence in the use of telecommunications and ICTs, the NBTC of Thailand as the national regulatory authority in telecommunications and broadcasting industries are undertaking joint activities with the ITU to strengthen human capacity especially among government agencies in cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection, and to promote cybersecurity culture and awareness raising. ITU also has its mandate to assist member countries in promoting cybersecurity and human capacity is one of the five key pillars of the Global Cybersecurity Agenda (GCA) launched by the ITU Secretary General.


Area of Action Cybersecurity
Capacity Building
Status Implemented
Time Frame From 1/10/2015 To 1/3/2016
Beneficiary Countries Thailand
Implementing Agency ITU
Cooperation Agency NBTC Thailand
Financial Scale (CHF) N/A
Three events were organized successfully:
1) Cyber incident simulation and Conference on national critical infrastructure protection (23 November 2015)
2) Workshop on cyber incident simulation and national critical infrastructure protection (24-25 November 2015)
3) National Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Assessment (5-7 September 2016)

Over 80 participants attended the training workshop on on critical infrastructure protection & cybersecurity and incident management drill

ITU and GCSCC (Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre) drafted and submitted a national assessment report on critical information infrastructure protection.

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