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ITU 150

Develop and nurture sustainable digital innovation ecosystems that accelerate youth resilience and empowerment in Benin, with a robust gender approach

Project No 2BEN20004
Title Develop and nurture sustainable digital innovation ecosystems that accelerate youth resilience and empowerment in Benin, with a robust gender approach

For the last decade, UNFPA Benin has developed and implemented a number of IT centered innovation initiatives, with a focus on youth and technology. In coordination with the UNFPA offices of Nigeria, Ghana, Togo and Burkina Faso, a #Tech4Youth initiative was developed to offer a sub-regional IT youth platform, with educational tools and innovative components. In parallel, in support to Sèmè City, the City of Innovation of Benin, UNFPA Benin supported the establishment of the Task force Innov Covid-19 for local youth resilience and digital innovation in Benin in the challenging context of the COVID19 response. To scale up the impact and sustainability of these initiatives, to create lasting impact for beneficiary populations, there is a need strengthen the specialized technical assistance to develop and nurture digital innovation ecosystems through an open innovation approach.

Area of Action Digital Inclusion
Least Developed Countries & SIDS
Status Ongoing
Time Frame From 1/1/2021 To 30/9/2025
Beneficiary Countries Benin
Implementing Agency International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Cooperation Agency United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Financial Scale (CHF) 100'000 - 500'000
The project 2BEN20004 will directly impact the resilience and empowerment of a network of at least 100 innovation stakeholders in Benin and enhance the gender equality through to the creation of sustainable digital innovation ecosystem.
The following results are expected: 
1. The existing #Tech4Youth sub regional initiative is strengthened and expanded to enhance the sustainability and efficiency of the business model for a youth driven dynamic digital content for education, empowerment and girls’ protection. It will develop an ecosystem pilot project and the lessons learned from the project in Benin will be shared with other stakeholders involved with the Tech4Youth (Ghana, Nigeria and Burkina Faso) 
2. Building up on the achievements and challenges of the INNOV TASK FORCE COVID19, the local innovation and digital ecosystem governance of Benin is reinforced to offer a platform for innovative and digital solutions for national stakeholders. The medium-term vision roadmap and governance will be co-designed with UNFPA, UNICEF and other key stakeholders. A best practice guideline will be developed and shared with other countries in the region. 
3. By 2025, the existing #Tech4Youth Open Innovation Ecosystem operationalization is finalized, its business model is viable and support youth driven dynamic digital content for education, empowerment and girls’ protection.
4. By 2025, the management of #Tech4Youth platform is fully operational with appropriate governance, policies and strategies and mechanisms in place for all countries involved.