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  ITU-T A.5 justification information for referenced document U2FRawMsgs in draft X.1278
1. Clear description of the referenced document:
Name: U2FRawMsgs
Title: FIDO U2F Raw Message Formats v1.0
2. Status of approval:
Approved 11 April 2017 as Proposed Standard
3. Justification for the specific reference:
The referenced document constitutes provisions of X.1278
4. Current information, if any, about IPR issues:
Information on IPR issues regarding FIDOs is available at: and summarized at
5. Other useful information describing the "Quality" of the document:
Approved 11 April 2017 as Proposed Standard
6. The degree of stability or maturity of the document:
This document has been reviewed by FIDO Alliance Members and is endorsed as a Proposed Standard. It is a stable document and may be used as reference material or cited from another document.
7. Relationship with other existing or emerging documents:
8. Any explicit references within that referenced document should also be listed:
Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry: The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), ANSI X9.62-2005. American National Standards Institute, November 2005, URL: /
ECMAScript Language Specification. URL: /
D. Balfanz, B. Hill, R. Lindemann, D. Baghdasaryan, FIDO AppID and Facets v1.0. FIDO Alliance Proposed Standard. URLs: /
PDF: /
R. Lindemann, D. Baghdasaryan, B. Hill, J. Hodges, FIDO Technical Glossary. FIDO Alliance Implementation Draft. URLs: /
PDF: /
S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: /
S. Josefsson, The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings (RFC 4648), IETF, October 2006, URL: /
J. Ehrensvard, FIDO U2F HID Header Files v1.0. FIDO Alliance Review Draft (Work in progress.) URL: /
Cameron McCormack; Boris Zbarsky; Tobie Langel. Web IDL. 15 December 2016. W3C Editor's Draft. URL:
9. Qualification of FIDO:
FIDO Alliance can be considered to meet the qualifying criteria for ITU-T A.5, as long as such qualification is limited only to FIDO standards which have reached the final stage of FIDO development, known as "Proposed Standard Expanded to the world". Any technical documentation of FIDO Alliance which has not reached that stage cannot be considered as a fully developed standard of FIDO Alliance, and consequently, should not be included or referenced in an ITU-T Recommendation. (SG17-TD828 March2018)
10. Other (for any supplementary information):
Note: This form is based on Recommendation ITU-T A.5