This section contains examples of P2C pledges, and has been developed based on existing language in ITU documents such as the Global Symposium for Regulators Best Practice Guidelines, inputs of actions to the ITU Global Network Resiliency Platform (REG4COVID), and the ITU-D Study Group Reports and Guidelines. The examples are intended to serve as an illustration of how pledges could be framed under the different focus areas and pillars.

We encourage organizations interested in making a pledge to contact the P2C Secretariat for support on specific questions and advice on pledge formulation.


  • [Insert pledger(s)] partner to invest [insert number] USD in local training centres to reach [insert number] people in rural areas by [insert date].


  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to achieve 70% of adults with basic digital skills and 50% with standard digital skills by [insert date], through, inter alia, including basic ICT skills education in national education plans, implementing digital skills programmes in local communities, developing and implementing digital skills strategies, and digital skills programs.


  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., governments] commit to collect annual disaggregated data on levels of ICT skills of individuals and on the share of employment in the tech sector by [insert date].


  • [Insert pledger(s)] partner to train [insert number] youth in basic digital skills, with a focus on marginalized communities, in country X, Y, Z by [insert date].
  • [Insert pledger(s)] partner to equip [insert number] schools with ICT devices by [insert date].
  • [Insert pledger(s)] pledge to provide [insert amount] million people with digital skills by [insert dates].
  • [Insert pledger(s)] pledge to provide digital literacy for 1-3 million people in [insert location] by [insert date].