This section contains examples of P2C pledges, and has been developed based on existing language in ITU documents such as the Global Symposium for Regulators Best Practice Guidelines, inputs of actions to the ITU Global Network Resiliency Platform (REG4COVID), and the ITU-D Study Group Reports and Guidelines. The examples are intended to serve as an illustration of how pledges could be framed under the different focus areas and pillars.

We encourage organizations interested in making a pledge to contact the P2C Secretariat for support on specific questions and advice on pledge formulation.


  • [Insert pledger(s)] commit to invest [insert number] USD to provide [insert number] accessible ICT/devices (including Assistive Technologies) to enable persons with disabilities access to and use of ICTs by [insert date].
  • [Insert pledger(s)] commit to invest [insert number] USD to empower [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] with the ICT accessibility knowledge necessary to ensure that all government websites in that country are available in digitally accessible formats, thus allowing all citizens (including those with disabilities) to benefit from all government products and services in an equal and equitable manner. The programme will also ensure self-sustainability through the transfer of knowledge and ensure in country development of capacities.


  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to use X% of USF funding to support affordable and digitally accessible access to health, education, humanitarian, and emergency services to vulnerable groups such as indigenous, remote, or marginalized communities by [insert date].
  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to include as beneficiary in the USF persons with disabilities (PwD) and older persons to further develop ICT accessibility related activities to enable these vulnerable groups to also benefit from government services as any other citizens.
  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to dedicate 20% of Universal Service Funds to connect [insert number] schools / hospitals / libraries by [insert date] (or other anchor institutions)
  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to dedicate 10% of USF for gender mainstreaming and empowerment of women and girls by [insert date]
  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to dedicate 10% of USF to consult with and empower persons with specific needs such as: persons with disabilities, older persons, or indigenous people and remote /marginalized communities by [insert date]
  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to adopt regulations defining sustainable financing models to allow for free access to key services (e.g., education, health) by 2027.
  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to dedicate 10% of USF for mainstreaming ICT accessibility within their e-government platforms (products and services) to enable all their citizens have equal and equitable access and use of e-government key digital services (including, education, health, emergency) without any discrimination of gender, age, or ability.
  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to defining / adopting / implementing a Child Online Protection strategy by [insert date].


  • [insert number] organizations pledge to develop and implement a set of policies, regulations, strategies related to ICT accessibility to ensure that their ICT products, devices and/or services are developed under the principle of “inclusive by design” by [insert date]
  • [Insert pledger(s)] commit to adopt a set of business performance indicators for digital inclusion by [insert date].


  • [Insert pledger(s)] partner on a research initiative to develop digitally accessible products and services in line with accessibility standards and universal design principles, to extend their end users by enabling that these products and services are inclusive for all people (including persons with disabilities) by [insert date]
  • [Insert pledger(s), e.g., government] commits to provide all necessary infrastructure to primary and secondary schools across the country to enable/ ensure the effective delivery of ICT training to pupils by [insert number]
  • [Insert pledger(s)] commit to train [insert number] community network facilitators from [insert amount] communities in countries [insert locations] on economic, social and technical aspects of community networks and receive continuous support to ensure the creation, strengthening and sustainability of community networks by [insert dates].
  • [Insert pledger(s)] partner to fund the commitment to setting up and carrying out an ICT household survey in countries [insert location] within 2 years.