Presentation of the document produced by the EGTI sub-group

Tuesday, 13 September 2022 : 13:40 - 15:15

Cinthya Arias Leitón
Manager of the General Markets Directorate
Superintendence of Telecommunications (SUTEL), Costa Rica
Biography | WTI Long Questionnaire review - EGTI sub-group report

Cinthya Arias Leitón

Presentation of the document produced by the EGTI sub-group
Tuesday 13 Sep 2022
13:40 - 15:15
 PDF file

Manager of the General Markets Directorate with eleven years of experience in the Superintendence of Telecommunications (SUTEL) from Costa Rica, where she has had- among other responsibilities-, the creation and establishment a system of sectorial indicators since the beginning of the opening of the Costa Rican market to competition. As part of her work at Sutel, she has directed important and diverse work teams in the field of access and interconnection, the application of the sectorial competition regime, economic studies and analysis and development of new regulation.  More recently, she has been involved in the definition of strategies and of the regulatory body as Coordinator of the institutional regulatory Agenda.

She has also experience on market monitoring and market studies for the Costa Rican export products and services.

She is also alternate Commissioner at Coprocom, which is the national authority of competition in Costa Rica.

Economist and Master in Business Administration, Senior Management and Telecommunications studies.


Cinthya Arias Leitón

Presentation of the document produced by the EGTI sub-group
Tuesday 13 Sep 2022
13:40 - 15:15