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Llamamiento a la acción: iniciativas en todo el mundo

Llamamiento a la acción 2014 del DMTSI

Con ocasión del Día Mundial de las Telecomunicaciones y la Sociedad de la Información de 2014, la UIT insta a todas las partes interesadas (responsables políticos, organismos reguladores, operadores e industria) a tomar medidas concretas para impulsar políticas nacionales y locales que permitan​​ acelerar la implantación de la banda ancha y hacerla más asequible y accesible a todos los ciudadanos, como medio para capacitarlos por medio de la información y los conocimientos a fin de que cumplan sus aspiraciones y alcancen los objetivos globales del desarrollo sostenible.

Le invitamos a organizar actividades en su país para celebrar el DMTSI-2014, y le animamos a que haga participar a todos los sectores de la sociedad a fin de aumentar la sensibilización y el consenso sobre las cuestiones que subyacen en el tema "Banda ancha para el desarrollo sostenible”.

send us your initiative

Iniciativas en todo el mundo

AlgeriaExposition à Medéa
L'Associatin Algerienne des radioamateurs ARA,et le Club Radioamateurs de Berrouaghia ont organisent  une exposition à Medéa 100 Km sud d'Alger le 16-17 mai 2014 pour la celebration de cette evenement (La Journée mondiale des télécommunications et de la société de l'information )
Quelque photos de cette exposition
Organization: Associatin Algerienne des radioamateurs ARA et Club Radioamateurs de Berrouaghia
Algeriaاليوم العالمي للإتصالات في الجزائـر
نحن مجموعة من الشباب من هـواة الراديو اللاسلكي سنقوم بنشاط خاص بالمناسبة و هي اقامة معرض في مدينة المدية للتعريف بهواية اللاسلكي و الإتصالات و دوره في المجتمع بشكل عام كما يتقدم مجموعة من الشباب لإجتياز امتحان للحصول على إشارة النداء لممارسة هواية الاتصالات عبر اللاسلكي
Organization: Amateurs Radio Algeriens
AlgerieCélébration de la journée mondiale des télécommunications et de la société de l’Information
Célébration de la journée mondiale des télécommunications et de la société de l’Information
« Le large bande au service du développement durable »
En réponse à l’appel à l'action du Secrétaire général de l'UIT, Dr Hamadoun I. Touré, dont le  thème pour cette année est : « Le large bande au service du développement durable », Algérie Télécom, a organisé des journées portes-ouvertes sur la technologie 4G LTE, du 12 au 15 mai 2014.
Au niveau des 48 représentations régionales d’Algérie Télécom, les démonstrations sur les débits d’une connexion LTE ont suscité un grand intérêt de la part des citoyens.
La presse nationale, conviée à ces portes-ouvertes, a assuré une large couverture des activités organisées à cette occasion.
En plus et en date du 18 mai 2014, Algérie Télécom a participé à la journée d’information organisée par le Ministère de la Poste et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication au niveau du cyber-parc de Sidi Abdellah.
La communication d’Algérie Télécom intitulé « Algérie Télécom et le développement du haut et très haut débit en Algérie», rappelle les efforts d’Algérie Télécom dans le cadre de la généralisation de l’accès à l’internet haut débit en Algérie.
Cette journée a été aussi une occasion pour renforcer le partenariat entre Algérie Télécom et Algérie Poste. Les deux opérateurs qui avaient lancé le paiement électronique des factures ADSL en février dernier, décident de généraliser l’opération aux factures téléphoniques.
Déclarations de M. Azouaou MEHMEL, Président Directeur Général d’Algérie Télécom
 « Algérie Télécom poursuit ses efforts de développement dans les réseaux de très haut débit sur tout le territoire national et le lancement de la nouvelle technologie LTE s’inscrit dans la dynamique d’investissement, visant à moderniser et développer un réseau national de très haut  débit dense, performant et de haute qualité ».
Principaux indicateurs Algérie :
• Population : 38, 7 millions d’habitants (Source ONS 2014)
• Superficie : 2, 38 millions km2
Principaux indicateurs Algérie Télécom (avril 2014) :
• Fibre optique : 55 000 Km ;
• Bande passante internationale 193 Gbps ;
• Nombre de clients hauts débits fixe : 1,4 millions, soit 20% des foyers ;
• Lancement de la LTE fixe (200 Enod B) : fin avril 2014.
Contact :
Organization: Algerie Télécom
AlgérieJournée mondiale des télécommunications et de la société de l'information
L'Institut National des Télécommunications et des Technologies de l'Information (INTTIC) d'Oran (ALGERIE) ( organise une journée scientifique le 18 Mai 2014 pour célébrer la journée mondiale des télécommunications et de la société de l'information dont le thème choisi cette année est "Le large bande au service du développement durable". Au programme de le journée, des communications, toutes en relation avec le thème de la jounée, seront présentées par des enseignants chercheurs et des élèves ingénieurs de l'Institut en fin de formation. En marge des communications, une exposition sur les nouvelles technologies en téléphonie mobile sera présentée par un opérateur au public présent. En plus des étudiants et des enseignants de l'institut, des invitations ont été adressées à des cadres du secteur des télécommunications de la région et des enseignants chercheurs des Universités de la Ville d'Oran pour participer à cet évènement.
Organization: INTTIC Oran
BangladeshBangladesh celebrates WTISD-2014 in befitting manner
Bangladesh is observing World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD)-2014 today with various programs highlighting the theme- "Broadband for Sustainable Development". To mark the day, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology and its associated organizations including Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission(BTRC), BTCL, Teletalk and cellular phone operators have chalked out elaborate programs in the country. The ministry in association with the BTRC and Khulna district administration organized a daylong elaborate programs in Khulna City – a southern divisional headquarters - today in observance of the day. Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Minister Abdul Latif Siddique inaugurated the program as chief guest at a local hotel auditorium. Presided over by the Secretary of Posts and Telecommunication Division Abubakar Siddique the inaugural function was attended among others by Minister for Liberation War Affairs A K M Mozammel Haque, State Minister for Fisheries and Livestock Narayan Chandra Chanda and Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Ministry Imran Ahmed as special guests. A discussion on "Broadband for Sustainable Development" was held with the participation of telecommunications and ICT professionals as part of the day's event. Dr Pallab Kumar Chowdhury, Assistant Professor of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), presented keynote paper on the theme of the day Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Chairman Sunil Kanti Bose was the main speaker on the technical paper. Later prizes with certificates were accorded to the nine winners of the online essay contests by the Chief guest. Students from schools, colleges & university divided into three categories took part in the onlinr essay competition .At the end of the program a colorful rally and road show was brought out from the Shibbari More in Khulna City. A colorful cultural function marking the day would be held in the evening at same venue. Special programs marking the occasion were broadcast and telecast on televisions and radio while special supplements were published in the national and regional dailies. Around 116 million mobile phone subscribers of the country were informed about the day through short message service ( SMS ) and all television channels, radio and online news media are publicizing news and giving scroll featuring the day.
Organization: Bangladesh Telecomminication Regulatory Commission
BelizeWTISD celebration
BTL Joins ITU in Celebrating World Telecommunication & Information Society Day 2014
As a member of International Telecommunications Union and the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunications Operators (CANTO), BTL joined in the celebration of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) on May 17, 2014.  This years’ theme “Broadband for Sustainable Development” focused on the multi-stakeholder commitment to achieve universal access to broadband connectivity.
In celebrating this years’ theme, BTL sponsored a number of projects which focused on the use of broadband technology and Information Communication Technologies (ICT’s).  These included sponsorship to the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology and Public Utilities’ initiative that provided three high school students with a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend the 2014 Student Program for Innovation in Science and Engineering (SPISE) which will be held in July at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill in Barbados. 
BTL also partnered with Peace Work - Pricewaterhouse Coopers International Limited and the Ministry of Education for the High School Innovation Challenge, School Business Showcase and Community Fair held at the ITVET on May 7.  This innovative program was designed to address social and economic challenges by integrating financial literacy and entrepreneurship into the school curriculum.  The Primary School competition incorporated three components; a business showcase, submission of an original and creative product, which included branding and promotion. BTL congratulates the top three schools in the competition, namely, Queen Square Anglican School who came in 1st, 2nd was Ebenezer School and 3rd was All Saints School.  
We also went on a month long media campaign to bring awareness of broadband and its utility with testimonials from several industry stakeholders. We even launched a free installation of High Speed Internet Campaign to expose more Belizeans to the value of Broadband.
On a regional perspective, BTL supported CANTO with the dissemination of its flyer for their video competition.  Students between the ages of 12 and 18 years who participated were required to create a short video demonstrating the importance of Broadband for Sustainable Development and its impact from a personal, community, regional and worldwide view. We are very proud to share that two of our students ranked in the top selections.  William Mahler Jr. from the University of Belize captured 1st prize which includes round-trip tickets and accommodation for two to attend CANTO’s 30th Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition in the Bahamas, a tablet, plus US $1000.  Fourth place was awarded to Andrea Gutierez of St. Andrews Anglican School in the Cayo District. Please see Belizean entrants videos at the attached link.
William Anel Mahler Jr.  Belize

Andrea Gabriela Gutierez Belize
We ended the celebration with an Employee Reward Program at the Ramada Hotel where we gave some 80 awards to our length of service and merit awardees for the year.
“BTL recognizes the importance and growing need for accessible broadband technology.  With this in mind, the Company commits to continue rolling out strategic initiatives that will make these services even more accessible and affordable for our Belizean people, industries, and country”, comments Anwar Barrow, BTL’s Executive Chairman.
BTL will continue to lend support and assistance to a variety of socially conscious programs throughout the country that aims to positively impact the development of our youths and will bring forth the advancement of Belize’s growth in the Caribbean and the world.
Organization: Belize Telemedia Ltd (BTL)
BéninSoirée de l'Informaticien 2ème édition
A l'occasion de la Journée Mondiale des Télécommunications et de la Société de l'Information, WAAALGROUP organise la Soirée de l'Informaticien, chaque 17 Mai. Cette année cette soirée sera placée comme d'habitude sous le thème "Le large bande au service du développement durable". Une occasion importante pour permettre aux informaticien du Bénin de s’imprégner du thème et de partager un moment de réjouissance ensemble.
Organization: WAAALGROUP
BoliviaAncho de banda y servicio de Telecomunicaciones en Bolivia
Se realizara la exposición de trabajos de investigación sobre el ancho de banda para el desarrollo sostenible y las nuevas tecnologias en telecomunicaciones
Organization: Facultad de Informática y Electrónica - Universidad Privada del Valle
ChileDía Mundial de las Telecomunicaciones y la Sociedad de la Información
El avance de las telecomunicaciones y las nuevas tecnologías han sido el motor de los cambios más importantes en los últimos 30 años. La Sociedad Civil, el Gobierno, la Academia, las Empresas, son parte importante del desarrollo de la sociedad de la información y de las tecnologías. De esta forma proponemos un dialogo inclusivo donde todos los actores den a conocer sus propuestas. Te invitamos a celebrar, el 15 de mayo, este día.
Organization: SUBTEL
本站首席记者李振群报道 记者罗富云北京时间2014年05月16日10:08从跨世纪人才研究院《宽带促进经济可持续发展》中获悉,为了打造“宽带中国”,全国人大代表罗俊同志2014年05月15日,向来自社会各界参与2014年5月17日世界电信和信息社会日庆典活动的“世纪人才”,进行政策解读:要求发展宽带成为国家战略。
Organization: 跨世纪人才研究院
EcuadorYo ♥ #InternetLibre
Este sábado 17 de Mayo, celebraremos el Día Internacional de las Telecomunicaciones, en Ecuador, liberando mensajes offline para festejar la libertad online. El evento se llevará acabo en Quito, capital del Ecuador
Organization: Usuarios Digitales
EspañaDía Mundial das Telecomunicacións e da Sociedade da Información 2014
Cartel da UIT conmemorativo do DMTSI 2014 para a publicación na web da UIT en galego: Eventos conmemorativos do Día Mundial das Telecomunicacións e da Sociedade da Información 2014:
Organization: Asociación de Enxeñeiros de Telecomunicación de Galicia
HungaryWTISD Celebration
The University of Győr pays tribute to the prominent figures of the international and Hungarian telecommunications with its event on May 15th. This world day has been celebrated since 1968 as a commemoration that the representatives of 20 countries signed the organization’s deed of foundation in 1865. Since 2006 the world day of telecommunications has become the world day of telecommunications and the entire information society.

It is not the first time that the professional day has been organized by the university due to the world day. Not many of you might know that in 2011 Brahima Sanou the Director of Development of the ITU, as to preserve the tradition, planted a tree in the grounds of the university along with the leaders of the authorities and ministries of other countries. This tree has been growing throughout the years symbolizing the continuous rejuvenation and development of telecommunications.
The theme of the professional days has always reflected the main telecommunications events of the given year. In 2013 such a milestone was digital switchover in the life of Hungarian telecommunications. This year the background of M2M services will be analyzed by the market players and the experts and leaders of administration.
Dr. Péter Földesi, the rector of the university, and Janka  Aranyosné, the General Director of NMHH will greet the participants at the official opening. Afterwards until 4 PM you will hear lectures continuously by well-known telecommunications companies like NMHH, Magyar Telekom, MVM NET,  Ericcson, Equicom, Sagem, SZTAKI, Huawei, Telenor and Vodafone. The presentation of Audi Hungária will tell us about this too and the visitors can become familiar with the activities and services of the 20 exhibiting companies. The intention of the university is to draw the attention of young electric engineers to the outstanding work, role and importance of ITU in the field of international telecommunications.

The Department of Telecommunications at the University of Győr is the strong fortress of the education of experts of modern telecommunications and makes great efforts to help the improvement of Hungarian telecommunications with highly educated experts.
Organization: University of Győr
IberoaméricaDía de Internet y de las Telecomunicaciones: Concurso para Docentes e Instituciones Educativas
Internet está transformando la educación y a la sociedad global. Una transformación que para algunos sectores como en la educación, se necesita más una disrupción, algo que traería consigo enormes cambios y excelentes oportunidades. La Red Educativa Mundial en su constante promoción por la Innovación Educativa, busca el desarrollo de la investigación, la gestión de conocimiento, la producción de contenidos educativos, la implementación de sistemas y plataformas educativas, la formación de los docentes y la transformación de los procesos de aprendizaje. En este sentido, convoca a la comunidad educativa internacional para que compartan sus experiencias en el uso de las TIC y como Internet aporta al cambio en sus aulas e instituciones educativas y en su comunidad en general.
INDIA46th World telecommunication and Information Society Day Celebration
The Institution of Engineers (India), CSI, GESIA, IETE and IEEEE is jointly celebrating the 46th WTISD at Bhaikaka Bhavan, Ahmedabad, GUJARAT
Organization: IEI
IndiaCII-MITSOT Teletech Conference on :“Telecom : Enabling Growth and Serving the Masses”
CII-MITSOTTeleTech 2014 was held on 13th Feb 2014 at Hotel Le Meridien, Pune. The one day conference was organized by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) in association with MIT Pune's MIT School of Telecom Management (MITSOT), with Deloitte as exclusive Knowledge Partner. The theme of this year’s conference was “Telecom : Enabling Growth and Serving the Masses” .TeleTech 2014 Report prepared by Deloitte the knowledge partner of TeleTech, was released by Dr Anand Deshpande, Commodore J Jena, Mr Hemant Joshi and Prof (Dr) Milind Pande.
Organization: MIT Pune's MIT School of Telecom Management
IndiaCreating awareness
Conducting seminars, talks, etc.
IndiaMITSOT - Telecom Summit 2013
Telecommunication is the key resource along with informatics in telematics, Information and communication Technology (ICT) professionals. Considering the gap in the demand and supply of ICT professionals, MIT School of Telecom Management has taken initiative to organize an event that will attract the young generation and their ideas based on Road safety, as well as including the expertise from Telecom Industry & people working for social cause which would give clear idea about today’s scenario and future changes required. This event was held at MITSOT, Students from colleges all over Pune city were invited for this event. We have invited more than 100 institution to get associated with the event in any of the aspect. The response was overwhelming and the registrations were in bulk numbers. In total we have received around 62 teams participated for poster & paper presentation on the same day. Not only students but couple of companies also participated proactively to present research paper. Teams from G. H. Raisoni, MIT Group of Institutions, Army Institute of Technology, Vishvakarma Institute of Technology, Reliance AIMS, Maratheada Mitra Mandal COE, RMD – Sinhgad COE, PICTE, D. Y. Patil COE, Pune Vidyarthi Grig College of Engineering, and much more… Total participants were more than 800 where in many non engineering colleges participated with faculties & students for updating them self which includes Modern college, Garware College of Arts, commerce & Science, etc. we had around 30 corporate delegates from companies like IVRL Limited, Transworld Ltd., etc.
Organization: MIT Pune's MIT School of Telecom Management
Indiaobserving WTISD DAY
Organization: Institution of engineers (india) Durgapur
IndiaWorld Telecom and Information Society Day 2014
MIT Pune’s MIT School of Telecom Management (MITSOT) in association with Telecom Sector Skill Council (TSSC),New Delhi & Deloitte,Pune had organized “World Telecom Day 2014” for the seventh consecutive year on 17th May, at MIT Campus Pune. The theme for the one day conference being, “Broadband for Sustainable Development.” This initiative by MITSOT, TSSC & Deloitte received a huge response from the corporate, academicians, Students and media. The following dignitaries were felicitated on this occasion- Network Infrastructure” award was presented to “Mr. P. K. Mohanty”, Head - Mumbai, ZTE “Service Provider Training Innovation” award was presented to “Mr. Bala Iyer” VP, Reliance jio “Handset Segment” award was presented to “Ms. Cindy Su”, Business Head, Oppo Telecom “Passive Infra Segment” award was presented to “Mr. Thomas Philip”,CircleCEO, Indus Towers Telecom Dealership Excellence” award was presented to “Mr. Ashish Sharma”, MD, Teleshoppe “Telecom Technopreneurship” award was presented to “Mr. Shantanu Pathak.
Organization: MIT Pune's MIT School of Telecom Management
IndiaWorld Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2014
The Institution of Engineers (India) celebrated World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2014 in India at its centres spread all over the country on 17th May 2014. The brief reports are available under the following link in IEI's website: Days/WTISD Report.pdf
Organization: The Institution of Engineers (India)
Japan46th Celebration for World Telecommunication and  Information Society Day - The ITU Association of Japan

The ITU Association of Japan (ITU-AJ) marked the occasion by holding the 46th Celebration for World Telecommunication and Information Society Day at the Keio Plaza Hotel in Tokyo, Japan, with over 260 participants from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the ICT industry. Please find details:

Report (in English):
Video Report (in Japanese):

Organization: The ITU Association of Japan
LimaDía de Internet en Perú
El Colegio de Periodistas de Lima y el Comité Multisectorial de Gobernanza para Internet en Perú, celebran este día con una Exposición temática sobre el desarrollo de Internet en Perú, una Mesa Redonda sobre Gobernanza en Internet y Reconocimientos a destacados periodistas y comunicadores sociales que han contribuido a la difusión y crecimiento de la Sociedad de la Información.
Organization: Colegio de Periodistas de Lima yComité Multisectorial de Gobernanza para Internet en Perú
MauritiusWorkshop and Awareness campaign on Broadband for sustainable development
The National Computer Board which operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology is organising a workshop to mark the “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2014” on the 15th May 2014. The workshop will focus on broadband infrastructure & technology and on broadband as a facilitator for community empowerment, E-education & lifelong learning. Awareness campaign on broadband and ICT will be conducted in social welfare, youth and community centres for a week starting on the 17th May 2014. Promotional broadband packages will also be offered by the Internet Service Providers.
Organization: National Computer Board
MexicoDigital Technology in the Classroom! Binding Bridges with international schools!
We will be asking all schools worldwide to take action! K-12 All grade levels and schools are welcome. Connect, Discover, Inspire, Action! Connect: with different cultures and traditions Discover: an idea, a problem, a solution Inspire: share your thoughts and ideas with student worldwide Action: put your idea in action- through your community or home
Organization: Hivees In House International Learning Experience
MéxicoAcceso a internet y banda ancha, reto del Estado mexicano en el día mundial de las telecomunicaciones y de la sociedad de la información
Seminario interdisciplinario ICO-LDE (Ingeniería en computación y licenciatura en derecho) a celebrarse en el Centro Universitario UAEM Ecatepec. Con conferencias de ambas disciplinas relativas a los derechos humanos, uso de internet y banda ancha, así com la relación entre ambas temáticas, dirigido a los alumnos del éste espacio académico.
Organization: CU UAEM Ecatepec
MongoliaAmateur Radio is a Bridge for peace and Friendships
Радиосонирхогчид бол нэг хэлээр хоорондоо харьцдаг манай дэлхийн хамгийн том гэр бүл билээ. Улс бүрийн засгийн газрын холбогдох байгууллагуудын зүгээс сонирхогчийн радио холбоог дэмжиж, зөвшөөрөл олгох процедурыг хялбарчилан хүнд сурталыг арилгахыг уриалж байна.
Organization: Ulaanbaatar DX Club
NicaraguaCelebración del Día Mundial de la Internet
En conmemoración al “Día Mundial de las Telecomunicaciones y la Sociedad de la Información”, la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información de la Universidad Centroamericana (UCA), realizará un ciclo de conferencias alusivas al tema “Banda ancha para el desarrollo sostenible”, mismo que ha sido refrendado por el consejo de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT). A las conferencias asistirán expertos en el área de las TIC y educación en Nicaragua, y estará dirigido a estudiantes y docentes de todas las carreras, con el fin de aumentar la sensibilización y el consenso sobre las cuestiones alrededor de este trascendental tema.
Organization: Universidad Centroamericana (UCA)
Niger Ensenble pour les TIC
A l'occasion de la journée mondiale des télécommunications notre association oganisera une conference debat dont le théme portera sur "la large bande pour un développement durable au Niger"
Organization: ANETIC
NigeriaBroadband World
Hugtech Information Links (HIL) is organizing on 17 May 2014, on the occasion of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD 2014) Broadband World at the Lion FM, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The programme is an exclusive interviews with Uche Ugochukwu, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hugtech Information Links- a Center for Information Society. This media event intends to step up the awareness and sensitization on the benefits of broadband in academic communities in the country.The 30-minutes radio interview programme will feature an interactive phone in programme aim at celebrating the WTISD 2014. The target audience for the programme will be Students and Lecturers in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.The programme topic will be adopt along the global theme of the day.
Organization: Hugtech  Information Links
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