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Eventos del Día internacional de las Niñas en las TIC 2013

​​​​​​​​Digital Peers International​

Abuja, Nigeria, 2013, May 08​


Digital Peers International (DPI) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with a primary purpose of promoting interest in ICT amongst women, youth and children, using non-conventional learning methods.

The group identifies talented and gifted children and develops them through early introduction to virile ICT capacity building training programs with astute trainers. This process aims at raising an IT savvy generation that will sustain and contribute to the socio economic development of Nigeria and Africa at large.

The  International  Girls  In  ICT  Day  was  inaugurated  on  the  8th  of  April  2011,  by  the International Telecomunication Union (ITU). It is a Day that is commemorated on the fourth Thursday in April annually, to celebrate girls' interests and strengths, and encourage them to choose a career in information and communication technology.

After successfully organizing the First edition of the International Girls in ICT Day in 2012, Digital Peers International went on to organize a second edition on the 8th of May,

2013 at Chams City, Maitama, Abuja with the theme: GIRLS, ICT and FUTURE TRANSFORMATION. DPI held this event on this day, as against the traditional fourth Thursday in April, in order to ensure that girls from government schools would be able to participate in the program, and also to fulfill her vision of carrying all and sundry along.

A technologically transformed nation being the focus of this event, DPI ensured that the desire to create a platform to encourage and mentor female children in various schools and communities in ICT education, with the overall aim of raising a generation of an IT savvy female workforce, was not watered down.


The International Girls in ICT Day   program   was   held   at 10:00am    in    Chams    City, Maitama, Abuja, on the 8th of May, 2013 with the theme:


As soon as participants started arriving, the registration team ensured that everyone was registered.

The event commenced with an opening Prayer led by Mr Ademola of DPI, who served as the Compere of the program, after which the National Anthem was sung. Mr Ademola informed the participants that they would be having a one hour practical session with Miss Nkechi, a staff of Chams City, with the purpose of having a one-on-one interaction with a computer system. The participants were filed to a large training room with computers in the Chams facility. There, Miss Nkechi, led the participants on an expository session on Computers, with a focus on Microsoft Word.

When they were through, Miss Alice Lawrence of DPI, gave the opening/welcome address. She spoke briefly on what the International Girls in ICT Day was about, and DPI's involvement in such causes, over the years.

The Key Note Speaker of the event, Miss Esther Agbarakwe took over the stage. She spoke passionately on the theme: GIRLS, ICT and FUTURE TRANSFORMATION. She used her story to encourage the participants, while emphasizing that "the greatest resource that Nigeria has is her young people. But her GREATEST resource is her girls". She encouraged everyone by saying that "with technology you can learn and have fun as a girl. The key to living a good life is in technology". This got the desired reaction, as all the girls perked up with encouragement and enthusiasm that the world of technology held great possibilities for them.

Other exceptional young persons who graced the event include; Miss Trisha Fom, Mrs Dele and Mr Century Favor, amongst others, who took their time to discuss with the participants on various topical issues in relation to ICT, that would be of benefit to them.

At the event, Premier International School, one of the schools present, did an exhibition, which showcased a number of technologically inclined projects that they had being carrying out in their school. There was a very enlightening Quiz competition as contestants and participants alike not only competed for prizes, but learnt new information in the field of ICT.

All hands were on deck as there were ongoing updates of the event via twitter and Facebook. Participants and facilitators were interviewed by the Pressmen that were present.

It was a wonderful event as 200 participants from 9 schools, were in attendance. Refreshments and souvenirs were served/distributed as the program wound up to a close.

DPI has begun plans to ensure that the next International Girls In ICT Day would be a more impactful one.