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Eventos del Día internacional de las Niñas en las TIC 2012

​​​​Women in Techonology Nigeria​

Nigeria, 2012, April 26​

Girls in ICT Day in Nigeria - Career Fair in local schools

Women in Techonology Nigeria (WITIN) Celeberated the Girls in ICT day by organizing ICT talks for girls in secondary schools and opening a National ICT e-Contest April 26th.

WITIN is giving more attention to marginalized communities in 2011-2013, and thus visited some community schools in the rural neighbourhood.

WITIN sensitized girls on the various opportunities ict has to offer as well courses available in the field. A total of 98 girls were reached and 30 areas of ICT specializations were listed and explained to the girls, which got them really interested in ICT.

some of the professions discussed included:

  • Software Engineer
  • Database Administrator
  • Website Designer/Developer/programmer
  • System Administrator
  • Computer Usability/User experience specialist
  • Network Administrator
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Computer System Engineer
  • Network Administrator
  • Project Manager
  • Network Security Administrator
  • Game Programmer
  • Geographical Information System Expert
  • Database Developer
  • Business Intelligence Developer
  • Enterprise Application developer
  • IT manager
  • System Analyst
  • Windows Developer
  • Linux Administrator
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Computer and Information Systems Manager
  • Computer Network Architect
  • Database Architects
  • Geospatial Information Scientist or Technologist
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Information Technology Project Manager
  • Videa Editors and Creators
  • Graphics/Cartoons/Animation Experts

Amongst the 98 girls who participated, not even one of them was interested in Mathematics! so sad. We made them realise that maths is not really that bad. Quite a number of them picked interest in Web-designing, Video editing and animation.