Page 111 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 111

Connecting physical and virtual worlds

           immersive steering and control in  remote environments   2.1.4   Integrated satellite-terrestrial  network-enabled
           along with novel immersive audio/video feeds.             applications
           Haptic communications are expected to form the backbone
           of Industry  4.0  [4], along  with other application  domains   It is expected that, in the future, applications will benefit of
           where stringent ultra-low latency is coupled  with  novel   seamlessly integrated space and terrestrial networks,
           immersive audiovisual feeds, such as telehealth,  online   leveraging interconnected Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites
           immersive gaming and remote collaboration.         and  other  non-terrestrial networking nodes and  platforms.
                                                              Advantages of such network integration include ubiquitous
                                                              network access at a global scale, enriched network paths for
                                                              better data delivery performance, ubiquitous edge caching
                                                              and computing services. And future mobile devices will be
                                                              able to  directly communicate with the locally accessible
                                                              LEO satellite over the head, but without necessarily relying
                                                              on traditional ground station infrastructures.
                                                              Consider the IP addressing issue  on extremely numerous
                                                              LEO  satellites with their constellations, interworking
                                                              challenges  with the terrestrial networks arise  given the
                                                              dynamic interconnection of space IP addresses to different
                                                              terrestrial domains with different  IP prefixes. The  direct
                                                              connectivity of mobile devices with local satellites will also
                                                              require a cost-efficient addressing scheme avoiding address
                                                              translation operations.
                        Figure 2 – Remote surgery
                                                              Additionally, the  routing, within the satellite networks as
           Extremely low latency [8] (on the order of 5 ms or even less   well as between them and the terrestrial networks, is
           for a round-trip time under 10 ms and even as low as 1 ms in   impacted  by  the novel IP addressing framework. An
           some cases  [9], time budgets are slightly longer  for   integrated routing scheme supporting  these emerging
           audiovisual  feedback), zero packet loss  (mission critical   applications is highly recommended.
           applications cannot tolerate packet  retransmission  due  to
           latency  concerns), guaranteed high bandwidth (for visual
           feed support) and strict synchronization (multiple data feeds
           from hybrid  sensory inputs and possibly arising  from
           different locations have to be rendered and acted on in unison
           [10]) are required.

           As far as latency, quantified exact latency requirements must
           actually be  met  as, otherwise, not only the  quality of
           experience for users deteriorates, but the applications may
           become unusable.
           It is worthwhile to note that, due to the physical limitation of
           the light speed, requirements  on networking infrastructure
           may be also imposed for efficient handling of the additional   Figure 3 – Integrated satellite-terrestrial network
           application  functions,  compute, and content close to the
           network edge.                                      Key network requirements include:
                                                               Flexible addressing [13]
           Key network requirements include:
            High bandwidth (especially important in case of remote   Integrated routing framework
              monitoring)                                      Holistic path control policies
            Ultra-low and deterministic latency (from 5 ms to sub-ms    Coordinated  management and admission control
              level for instantaneous haptic feedback in tactile cases  mechanisms
              [11], [12])                                      Novel  requirements at the satellite side (bandwidth
            Synchronization (significantly shorter than delay) [12]  capacity, admission control, edge computing and storage)
            High security  and  reliability, privacy (for  critical  [14]
              applications, e.g., those involving human lives and high-
              value machinery)                                2.2   Associated critical network challenges
            Prioritization  (based  on streams’ immediate relevance  Emerging industrial applications  will not only require
              and criticality)                                abundant bandwidth and ubiquitous connectivity, networks
                                                              will also  need to  provide  new capabilities that are not
                                                              supported today. Often large-data transmission is no longer

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