Page 115 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2021
P. 115

Connecting physical and virtual worlds

              IPv6  but also allowing for intra-domain short length   users. The Onion Router  (TOR)  goes one step  further:
              addresses and the integration of vertical-specific  name   besides  using proxies to  anonymize the source and
              resolution/mapping  systems,  such  as  semantic  destination  IP addresses, it  recruits  randomly more relay
              addressing. Routing evolution may require clean-slate   nodes along the way in order to protect the transmission path,
              solutions, hybrid solutions, extensions to existing routing   but this brings in return delay to the whole communication.
              protocols,  or  potentially no changes [28]. Additional   The TOR approach, although affordable for  applications
              critical requirements for future    addressing  and  routing   such as Internet surfing, email checking and video watching,
                                                              doesn’t work for applications demanding highly interactive
              solutions are  security and  privacy, as well as  routing   communications.  Making the communications in the  IP-
              protocols customization  to  the needs of the applications   based networks anonymous could be a possible solution.
            Further studies, among others, should explore  new  While some initial efforts on supporting intrinsic security
              routing technologies and  protocols inside limited  and privacy in IP-based networks have been observed, the
              domains for delivery of  new capabilities and better QoS,  related standardization is still in its infancy. The need for
              enabling application-level  innovation and precluding  further  research  studies and standardization efforts  is
              pollution  between  domains.  On the other  hand, it is  recognized, including mechanisms for:
              recognized that any new addressing and routing system   countering source address spoofing, privacy leak, trust
              will need to coexist with legacy gear, then requiring a  model weakness,  and Distributed Denial  of Service
              robust standardization effort [29].                (DdoS) attacks;
                                                               maximizing  user privacy protection,  consolidating
           As  far as the network support  of intrinsic security and   distributed trust basis, and building secure and trustable
           privacy capabilities addressing the vulnerabilities of current   networks;
           IP-based networks as  described in Section 3, outstanding    verifying, authorizing and integrity  protecting the
           issues have been addressed by various initiatives, although   packets entering the network;
           not complemented yet by relevant standardization efforts.
                                                               verifying  the  trustworthiness of network nodes  and
           The Secure Access Secure  Edge (SASE), proposed by    packets themselves;
           Gartner at the end of 2019, combines security functions with    protecting privacy, including anonymization,  opaque
           Software Defined  Wide Area  Network (SD-WAN)         user data, secure storage and flow anonymization;
           capabilities to support the dynamic secure access needs of    preventing common tracking at application level;
           organizations  and enterprises [30]. Those security and    ensuring privacy and confidentiality of the network layer
           network functions are  offered as services implemented in   information  with respect to cross-domain end-to-end
           software making them flexible and easy to be deployed and   services.
           operated. However, the software implementation might also
           lead to  relative low performance,  not suitable for some           5.  CONCLUSION
           applications with strict QoS requirements. Enabling the IP-
           based networks with some security  functions like  device   The network  challenges  raised  by emerging and future
           authentication, access control, DDoS attack protection, etc.   industrial  applications need to be  addressed by relevant
           could complement the software implementation of the SASE.   network technology advances.
           The emerging in-network computing technologies providing
           additional computation  power in  order to satisfy  diverse   Building  on the illustration of a  few,  but significant,
           application  and network requirements,  could be used  to
           realize those security and  network functions  without   industrial application scenarios and the related requirements
                                                              on the underlying network infrastructure, three networking
           sacrificing the forwarding performance.
                                                              technology areas have been presented whose advances are
                                                              fundamental to addressing the identified network challenges.
           As far as privacy protection, in current IP-based networks the
           payload is typically protected at application level by using
           various encryption  mechanisms like HTTPS,  but the  IP   An overview of relevant research studies and/or standards
                                                              development efforts up to present time has then highlighted
           overhead, which may contain valuable personal information,
           is still exposed  for  packet routing  purpose. Several   their limitations towards the identified network requirements.
           companies and  organizations have  begun to explore this
           issue and some initial solutions have been provided.    It is necessary to progress as soon as possible further research
                                                              studies and standardization efforts to enable new  network
                                                              capabilities which can address the requirements of emerging
           For  instance, Gnatcatcher proposed by Google provides a
           near-path NAT to effectively hide the source IP addresses of   and future industrial applications. As usual, standardization
                                                              is expected to be critical in order to ensure stability, scalability
           the end users, while iCloud Private Relay from Apple uses a
           chain of two  proxies in  order to ensure that source and   and interoperability of potential solutions.
           destination are not linkable. Gnatcatcher and iCloud Private
           Relay are taking a similar approach for hiding end users’   As far as standardization is concerned, the authors believe
           personal data, consisting in deploying proxies close to end   that ITU-T has a key role to play in the context of concerted

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