Page 66 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 7 – Terahertz communications
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 7

          background  concerning  these  protocols  that  we  are   Note  that  because  of  the  way  the  coordinates  are
          using   together:   the   routing   protocol   (SLR),   the   de ined,they  can  be  shared  by  multiple  nodes  (which
                                                               belongs  to the  same  SLR  zone).  Consequently,  SLR  is  a
          nano‑sleep mechanism  itself,  and  the  density  estimation
          protocol (DEDeN).                                    protocol  that  routes  a  packet  to  the  correct  zone
                                                               instead of a speci ic node.
          It is important to note that the choice of the routing pro‑
          tocol here is mostly inconsequential to the contribution.
          In this paper we do not present a new routing protocol.
          In regard to the very speci ic concurrent transmission be‑
          haviour of wireless nano‑network(s), we instead present
          a mechanism to reduce the load on each node.  This mecha‑
          nism  can  be  adapted  to  various  routing  protocols  and
          here we choose SLR for the sake of convenience.
          3.1  SLR protocol

          Stateless  Linear‑path  Routing  (SLR)  is  a  spatial  rou-
                                                                   Fig. 7 – SLR initial phase (left) and SLR routing phase (right).
          ting/addressing   protocol.   It   implements   a
          coordinate‑based  routing,  in  which  data  packets  are
          routed  in  a  linear  routing  path.   Coordinates  are   3.2  Sleeping mechanism
          de ined  as  an  integer  number of hops from special nodes
          called  anchors  (Fig.  6).  All  nanonodes  are  assumed  to  be   We start be emphasizing that the nano‑sleep we present
          placed in a cubic space, where anchors’ nodes are placed at   in this section is different in both means and objectives
          the  vertexes  (two  anchors  for  a  2D  area  /  three anchors   from the sleep mechanism (often call duty‑cycle) that we
          for 3D area).                                        commonly  ind in traditional networks.
          The SLR protocol has two phases:  (1) addressing/initial   In traditional networks, making a node sleep and wake up
          phase and (2) routing phase.                         in de ined intervals aims at preserving energy and thus
                                                               increasing  the  life  span  of  the  network.  A  node  always
                                                               wakes up for a duration long enough to allow the recep‑
                                                               tion  of  one  or  more  frames.  It  processes  the  received
                                                               packets and then goes back to sleep by turning off most
                                                               of its reception and processing capabilities.  By doing so,
                                                               it  preserves  a  substantial  amount  of  energy.  As  the
                                                               packets are sent sequentially over the channel, the longer
                                                               the awaken  duration,  the  larger  the  number  of  packets
                                                               received.  We  could  also  say  that  while  it  is  awake,  a
                                                               node has to be able to process the full throughput of the
                                                               network.  It then completely ignores packets sent while it
                                                               is sleeping.
                                                               Our  proposed  nano‑sleeping  mechanism  differs  from
                                                               those used in a macro‑scale network by its  ine granula-
                        Fig. 6 – SLR addressing phase.
                                                               rity,  asynchronicity,  and  decentralization.  The  main
          In the initial phase, addressing, as shown in Fig. 7, two   problem it solves is the potential overwhelming of a node
          anchor  nodes  (placed  at  the  vertexes  of  2D  network)   when  too  many  packets  coexist  on  the  channel.  With
          broadcast  a  packet  (beacon)  to  the  whole  network.   TS‑OOK,  multiple  nodes  targeting  different  receivers
          Beacon  mes‑  sages  include  a  hop  distance   ield   can  indeed transmit  at  the  same  time,  and  there  is  no
          initialized  to  0,   which  increments  with  each   hard  limit  to  how  many  packets  can  concurrently
          retransmission.  The  node  coordinates  are  the  hop   coexist  on  the  channel.  Because  of  that,  using  a
          counter  in  those  beacons  and  correspond  to  the   traditional  awaken  duration  may  cause  a  node  to  be
          distance  to  the  anchors.  This  phase  will  be performed   overwhelmed when the number of  packets  concurrently
          only once at the network deployment.                 transmitted  exceed  its  decoding  capabilities.  Nano‑
          In the routing phase (Fig. 7), packets contain the SLR ad‑   sleeping  is  designed  to  tackle  this  problem,  by  allowing
          dress  of  the  sender  and  receiver.  A  greedy  approach  is   a  node  to  concentrate  on  a  small  number  of  packets
          used  to  route  the  packets  to  their  intended  destination.   while  completely  (and  safely)  discarding the others.
          When a node receives a message, it checks if it is located   A nanonode does not stay awake for the duration of one
          on the path from the source to the destination. If and only   or  several  packets,  but  for  a  much  shorter  duration,  a
          if it is the case, the node forwards the message. This check   fraction  of  the     value.  In  our  proposed  sleeping
          uses  basic  integer  computation  appropriate  for  the  low   mechanism,  all  nodes  have  the  same  awake‑sleep  cycle,
          nanonode computation capabilities.                   equal to    .      Inside the cycle, all the nodes have the same

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