Page 63 - ITU Journal Future and evolving technologies Volume 2 (2021), Issue 7 – Terahertz communications
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ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 2 (2021), Issue 7


                                 Ali Medlej , Eugen Dedu , Kamal Beydoun , Dominique Dhoutaut 1
            1 FEMTO‑ST Institute/CNRS, Univ. Bourgogne Franche‑Comté, Montbéliard, France, L’ARICoD Laboratory, Faculty of
                                        Sciences I, Lebanese University Beirut, Lebanon
                               NOTE: Corresponding author: Ali Medlej, ali_ghasswan.medlej@univ‑

          Abstract  –  Nowadays, the heterogeneous wireless nano‑network topology becomes a need for diverse applications based
          on heterogeneous networks composed of regions of different node densities.  In Wireless Nano‑networks (WNNs), nodes are
          of nano‑metric size and can be potentially dense in terms of neighbouring nodes. Nano‑nodes have limited resources in terms
          of processing, energy and memory capabilities.  In nano‑network(s), even in a communication range limited to tens of cen‑
          timeters,  thousands of neighbours can be found.  We proposed a  ine‑grained duty‑cycling method (sleeping mechanism),
          appropriate to nanonodes, which aims to reduce the number of receptions seen by a node during data packet routing.  The
          present study reveals the usefulness of implementing the sleeping mechanism in heterogeneous networks, as well as con i-
          guring a dynamic awaken duration for nodes based on a density estimation algorithm.  We also proposed an algorithm
          that helps in increasing the reliability of the packet received by the destination node.
          Keywords  –  Density estimation, heterogeneous nano‑network, sleeping mechanism, routing

          1.  INTRODUCTION
                                                                            T s                    time
          Nano‑network(s)  are  made  up  of  tiny  nodes,  called
                                                                         T p
          nanonodes, of a nanometric size. These nodes use electro‑
          magnetic waves from the THz band (0.1–10 THz) [1] for
          their communication. Nano‑nodes possess sensors, actu‑          1       1        0      1
          ators,  a  processor,  and  a  memory.  They  can  move  and
          communicate  with  each  other  [2].  These  nodes  are
                                                                              Fig. 1 – TS‑OOK modulation.
          limited  in  their  computing  capabilities,  storage,  and
          energy. Therefore,  they  need  to  collaborate  with  other   way must be used. For that, a spatial addressing routing
          nodes to ful il their tasks [3].                     protocol that forwards messages in the direction of a
                                                               destination could be used.
          1.1  Modulation and routing techniques
                                                               Stateless  Linear‑path  Routing  (SLR)  [6]  is  a  spatial  ad‑
          Given  the  very  limited  energy  of  nanonodes,  a  modula‑   dressing and routing protocol we use in our evaluation.
          tion  technique  based  on  femtosecond  pulses  for   It implements a coordinate‑based routing, in which data
          terahertz  communications  called  Time  Spread  On‑Off   packets are routed in a linear routing path.  The SLR pro‑
          Keying (TS‑ OOK) was proposed by Jornet and Akyildiz   tocol has two phases: (1) initial/addressing phase and (2)
          [4].  TS‑OOK is based on femtosecond‑long pulses where   routing phase.
          communica‑ tion data is sent using a sequence of pulses
                                                               1.2  Applications and node limitations
          interleaved  by  a  randomly  selected  constant  duration
          (Fig.  1).  TS‑OOK  uses  an  electromagnetic  pulse  of
                                                               Nano‑network(s) can be potentially used in a wide range of
          duration          to  transmit  a  bit  “1”,  and  silence  (no   applications  and   ields  such  as:  (1)  health   ield  (e.g.
          transmission)  for  bit  “0”.  The  time  between  two
                                                               monitor  human  vital  signs,  drug  delivery  systems),  (2)
          consecutive  bits  is     .   Due  to  hardware  and  power   military   ield  (e.g.  border  control  to  prevent  any  penetra‑
          constraints,  the  spreading  ratio      =     /   can  be  very   tion),  (3)  agricultural   ield  (e.g.  monitoring  the  tempe-
          large.  Using     =  100  femtosecond,  the  total  available   rature,   humidity,   and   water   level   of   plants),   (4)
          bandwidth  in  the  network  is  very  high,  in  the  order  of   telecommunication  sector  [5].  In  such  applications  the
          terabit per second.
                                                               network topology is often heterogeneous.  A heterogeneous
          In  very  dense  nano‑network(s),  a  nanonode  cannot  fre‑   nano‑network is a network composed of zones of different
          quently  update  its  neighbourhood  list.  Also,  the  commu‑   densities.  Nowadays, many applications use this type of net‑
          nication range is short and the desired destination node is   works. For example, in agricultural applications, some areas
          often  beyond  its  communication  range.  Therefore,  it  is   have  high  nodes’  density  while  others  have  a  small
          necessary  to  have  a  routing  protocol  that  performs  the   density  due  to  the  varied  geographical  terrains.  Also,  the
          tasks  of  data  routing  between  nodes.  A  traditional  ad‑   human  body  is  considered  as  a  natural  heterogeneous
          dressing scheme like IP is useless. An alternative addressing  network because of its internal and external structure.

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