Page 57 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
P. 57

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          Super-wide video stitching can produce super-wide    Implementation details of Kirari! for Arena can be
          (e.g.  >  12K)  video  by  combining  multiple  camera   found in [1].
          images in real-time for such events as super high    Figure 2 shows the displayed image on the display
          definition live streaming.
                                                               device  (right),  and  the  real  object  (left).  The  real
          Intelligent  microphones  can  pick  up  sounds  of   object  in  this  case  is  the  real  performer  and  the
          interest in a noisy environment, which can be used,   displayed image is reproduced by Kirari! for Arena.
          in turn, by wave field synthesis to reconstruct the   With  Kirari!  for  Arena,  the  audience  can  observe
          direction of the sound so that the sound comes from   remote events from all directions on a special four-
          the object.                                          sided display device. The audience can watch each
                                                               side of the performer from the corresponding side
          3.2  Immersive events by Kirari!
                                                               of  the  display.  In  addition  to  the  mandatory
          Kirari!  has  been  demonstrated  in  many  events  to   requirements  of  an  arena-style  ILE,  Kirari!  for
          create  highly  realistic  sensations.  For  example,  in   Arena can reproduce the texture of the “floor” such
          “Chokabuki”  events  [20][21][22],  various  effects   as the mats in a Judo event.
          were  provided,  such  as  “double  characters”  in
          which  real-time  image  extraction  was  used  to
          produce a duplicate of a Kabuki performer next to
          the real performer to simulate two versions of the
          same character on the stage at the same time, and
          sound effects by wave field synthesis technology to
          reproduce  a  sound  field  including  its  direction  to
          simulate  the  sound  coming  from  within  the
          audience floor.

          The  “KABUKI  LION”  event  demonstrated  the
          world’s  first  pseudo-3D  presentation  through          Fig. 2 – Real-time live display by Kirari! for Arena
          remote  international  transport  using  Kirari!
          technology. Real-time image extraction was used on   Figure  3  shows  the  capturing  and  viewing
          the  video  stream  of  a  Kabuki  performer,  and  the   configurations. A position sensor is installed along
          pseudo-3D image of him accommodated the press        with the cameras to measure the coordinate (3D)
          remotely [20].                                       position  of  the  object.  By  transmitting  and
                                                               processing these images and position information
          Another  example  is  “Futsu-no-sukima”  [23],  an   in real time, the audience at the remote sites can feel
          exhibition  aiming  to  create  novel  value,  where   a sense of depth in the images displayed on the four-
          infrared-powered  real-time  object  extraction      sided display device.
          enabled about 1000 people wearing various items
          of  clothing  to  experience  joining  a  teleconference
          with the room background of their choice [24].
          4.   KIRARI! FOR ARENA
          4.1  Overview

          One  of  the  presentation  styles  ITU-T  H.430.2
          describes is the arena style where there is an arena   Fig. 3 – Capturing and viewing configurations of Kirari! for
          or stage with a surrounding audience in a remote                           Arena
          site  for  events  such  as  a  Judo  match  or  juggling   4.2  System configuration
          street performance.
                                                               Kirari! for Arena consists of four functions; Capture
          “Kirari! for Arena,” which is an implementation of   & Extraction, Measurement & Tracking, Information
          the arena-style ILE, is realized by using the Kirari!   Integration & Transport, and, Depth Expression &
          technology suite. Kirari! for Arena can provide an   Presentation. Figure 4 shows the functions of Kirari!
          immersive  experience  where  an  audience  can      for Arena.
          watch  an  event  from  all  (front,  back,  left,  right)
          directions at a remote site with high realism as if
          they  were  watching  it  at  the  real  event  site.

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