Page 24 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

          processing and distribution pipeline that is hosted   The Intel  True VR capture system captures video
          in the cloud. The immersive media platform covers    from  multiple  stereoscopic  camera  pods.  The
          components  of  the  volumetric  and  panoramic      camera  pods  are  Intel  proprietary,  paired-lens
          capture  systems,  as  well  as  the  immersive  media   stereoscopic camera pods, as shown in Fig. 2, that
          processing and experiences pipeline.                 are set up in the stadium for the live event. An event
                                                               can have as many as eight camera pods, each pod
          2.1.1  Intel  True View for volumetric video
                                                               including  as  many  as  6  to  12  cameras  that  are
                                                               stitched  together.  The  stitched  camera  pod  views
                                                               are then turned into panoramic video that is sent to
                                                               the  common  immersive  media  processing  and
                                                               distribution pipeline.
                                                               2.1.3  Immersive media processing and
                                                                     experiences pipeline

                                                               The  immersive  media  platform  architecture  and
                                                               workflow diagram shown in  Fig. 3 showcases the
                                                               Intel  Sports  immersive  media  platform  that  is
                                                               powered by Intel  True VR and Intel  True View.

                Fig. 1 – In-stadium Intel ®  True View cameras
          Intel   True  View  is  comprised  of  a  large  (~40)
          camera array that is built into the perimeter of the
          stadium as shown in Fig. 1. The high-definition 5K
          cameras  are  angled  to  capture  the  entire  field  of
          play.  During  an  event  the  video  captured  at  the
          stadium generates terabytes of volumetric data, in
          the form of three-dimensional pixels (voxels). The
          voxels   contain   three-dimensional    location
          information  and  relative  attributes  (e.g.,  texture
          information)  that  are  needed  for  point-cloud
          formation. The camera array is connected by fiber     Fig. 3 – Immersive media platform architecture and workflow
          to dedicated on-site Intel servers. The data is stored,
          synchronized, analyzed, and processed in the cloud.   Intel   True  VR  and  Intel   True  View  share  a
          The terabytes of volumetric data are rendered into   common video processing and distribution pipeline
          high-fidelity  video  in  the  form  of  virtual  camera   that is hosted in the cloud.
          videos.                                              The  video  processing  component  of  the  pipeline
          2.1.2  Intel  True VR for panaromic video            takes the uncompressed virtual camera videos from
                                                               the  Intel   True  View  capture  and  the  panoramic
                                                               video from the Intel  True VR capture then encodes
                                                               the video sources.
                                                               The settings for stream types, codecs, compression
                                                               quality, picture resolutions, and bitrates are highly
                                                               dependent  on  the  targeted  end-user  experiences
                                                               and the expected network conditions. The system is
                                                               flexible  to  support  current  industry  standard
                                                               codecs  such  as  AVC,  HEVC,  and  M-JPEG,  and  is
                                                               flexible  to  utilize  upcoming  immersive  media
                                                               standards in order to  maintain support of  a wide
                                                               range of platforms and devices.

                    Fig. 2 – Intel ®  True VR camera pod

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