Page 23 - ITU Journal, ICT Discoveries, Volume 3, No. 1, June 2020 Special issue: The future of video and immersive media
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ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 3(1), June 2020

                                Fai Yeung , Basel Salahieh , Kimberly Loza , Sankar Jayaram , Jill Boyce
                                          Intel Corporation , Santa Clara, CA, 95054, USA.

          Abstract  –  Immersive  media  technology  in  sports  enables  fans  to  experience  interactive,  personalized
          content. A fan can experience the action in six degrees of freedom (6DoF), through the eyes of a player or
          from any desired perspective. Intel Sports makes deploying these immersive media experiences a reality by
          transforming the captured content from the cameras installed in the stadium into preferred volumetric
          formats used for compressing and streaming the video feed, as well as for decoding and rendering desired
          viewports to fans’ many devices. Object-based immersive coding enables innovative use cases where the
          streaming bandwidth can be better allocated to the objects of interest. The Moving Picture Experts Group
          (MPEG) is developing immersive codecs for streaming immersive video and point clouds. In this paper, we
          explain  how  to  implement  object-based  coding  in  MPEG  metadata  for  immersive  video  (MIV)  and
          video-based point-cloud coding (V-PCC) along with the enabled experiences.
          Keywords – Immersive media, MPEG-I, point-cloud, six degrees of freedom (6DoF), volumetric video.

          1.   INTRODUCTION                                    video-based point-cloud coding (V-PCC) which are
                                                               immersive  media  standards  for  compressing  and
          Advancements  in  digital  media  technology  are    streaming volumetric content. Section 4 covers in
          paving  the  way  to  innovations  in  delivering    detail the implementation of the new object-based
          compelling immersive experiences with new media      coding  in  MPEG-I  V-PCC  and  MIV,  as  well  as
          formats. The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)     providing  applications  and  services  for  the
          is one of the main standardization groups driving    object-based  approach.  Section  5  then  gives  a
          the industry effort to develop a suite of standards to   conclusion of this paper.
          support immersive media access and delivery. The
          coded representation of immersive media (MPEG-I)     2.    IMMERSIVE MEDIA FOR SPORTS
          is  a  set  of  emerging  immersive  media  industry
          standards  dedicated  to  immersive  media  formats   Enabling sports fans to choose where and how they
          such  as  panoramic  360-degree  video,  volumetric   want  to  consume  the  next  generation  of  sports
          point clouds, and immersive video. Intel is working   content, whether they are 3DoF, 6DoF with limited
          with other leaders in the immersive media industry   motion  range,  or  6DoF  immersive  media
          to invest in the end-to-end immersive ecosystem to   experiences,  makes  sports  an  ideal  use  case  for
          drive the worldwide adoption of immersive media.     MPEG-I.  In  order  to  provide  context  on  current
          This  includes  everything  from  the  production  of   industry practices for delivering immersive media
          immersive  content  to  the  delivery  of  innovative   experiences, we provide an overview of Intel Sports
          visual experiences and immersive services.           immersive work as an example.
          Part  of  Intel’s  immersive  efforts  is  its  active   2.1  Intel Sports immersive media platform
          contribution  to  current  state-of-the-art  and     Intel  Sports  partners  with  leagues,  teams,  and
          emerging  standards.  One  of  its  key  collaborative   broadcasters  to  give  fans  immersive  media
          efforts is object-based point cloud and immersive    experiences allowing them to see any perspective of
          coding  and  their  related  supplemental  messages   the  play,  personalizing  the  game  experience
          adopted  into  MPEG-I  industry  standards.  This    according to each fan’s preferences. The Intel Sports
          provides  a  huge  leap  forward  in  how  volumetric
          6DoF video use cases are delivered.                  immersive media platform is comprised of two Intel
                                                               proprietary capture systems: Intel  True View that
          The remainder of the paper is structured as follows:   outputs  volumetric  video  and  Intel   True  VR  for
          First  we  cover  immersive  media  for  sports  by   panoramic stereoscopic video.
          referencing the current immersive media platform     The  Intel  Sports  immersive  media  platform  is
          architecture  and  workflow  from  Intel  Sports  in   designed  to  support  a  large  number  of  streaming
          section 2. Then in section 3, we share the technical   platforms  and  devices  through  a  common  video
          background for MPEG immersive coding (MIV) and

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