Page 191 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 191

Industry-driven digital transformation

           textures from heavily down-sampled images. Although it can
           alleviate the blurring and over-smoothing artifacts to some
           degree,  its  predicted  results  may  not  be  faithfully
           reconstructed and produce unpleasing artifacts [6].    Step0
                                                              Down-sample     Bicubic/blur-down down-sample
                                                                                             LR dataset  HR dataset
           RCAN [6] proposed a residual in residual structure to form a   Step1
                                                              Select image
           very deep network of as many as 400 layers which achieves
           excellent results. SAN [8] utilizes a novel trainable second-  Step2
                                                              Select patch
           order channel attention module as a substitute for a channel
           attention layer in RCAN to adaptively rescale the channel-
           wise features.                                     Step3
                                                              Calculate PIC
                                                              Qualify patch
           Unfortunately,  all  the  works  above  focus  on  network   Step5
                                                              Form balanced batch
           structure to achieve better subjective/objective results, and
           none of them pay attention to the various imbalance issues           BSR training model     Loss (Lp + L1 + L2)
           presented  in  this  paper.  Here,  we  propose  a  balanced  SR
           framework, which we will detail in the next section.                Update model & generate   No  converge?
                                                                               a new balanced batch
                          3.  BALANCED SR                                                              BSR trained model

           3.1    Architecture                                          Figure 3 – Balanced SR framework

           The entire framework of the proposed BSR is illustrated in   After  one  iteration  of  batch  training,  if  the  BSR  is  not
           Figure  3,  and  the  working  process  of  batch  acquisition  is   converged,  the  current  model  gets  updated  and  a  new
           depicted as below:                                 balanced  batch  is  generated  using  Step 1  to  Step 5.  The
                                                              computation of PIC and BSR network structure is revealed
           Step 0:  Down-sample.  The  original  HR  images  are  down-  later.
           sampled  using  either  a  bi-cubic  or  blur-down  method  to
           generate corresponding LR images.                  3.2    Random Filter Sampling (RFS)

           Step 1: Select images. In LR image data sets, we randomly   A  traditional  neural  network  training  process  usually
           pick up images to form a batch.                    involves  selecting  several  LR  images  randomly  from  a
                                                              specific data set and crop to a fixed size which is called a
           Step 2: Select patch. From the selected images in Step 1, we   patch  in  order  to  form  a  batch  input.  The  output  is  the
           randomly select patches to form a batch.           corresponding high-resolution SR patch. A patch pair can be
                                                              described as:
           Step 3: Calculate patch information capacity (PIC). For each
           batch,  the  corresponding  PIC  is  computed.  The  detailed                 : [    ,     ,     , ℎ] →                    : [     ×                     ,      ×                     ,      ×                     , ℎ ×                     ]
           calculation process is depicted in Section 3.2 below.
                                                              where  x  and  y  are  the  selected  patch’s  left  upper  corner
           Step 4: Qualify patch. Based on the current batch’s statistical   coordinates, and w and h are the patch’s width and height,
           distribution  (determined  by  previously  qualified  batches)   accordingly.
           and the current patch’s PIC, we either qualify or disqualify
           the current patch. The current patch will be qualified if its   For  each  patch,  we  propose  a  metric  for  its  information
           corresponding  batch  is  not  full.  If  the  current  patch  is   measurement, which is called patch information capacity and
           disqualified, we’ll move forward to qualify the next patch   defined as the following:
           until the total number of qualified patches specified in batch
           training is satisfied.                                          2  ℎ−1      −1
                                                                                 = � � �                           [     (    ,     ,     , ℎ)]            (1)
           Step 5:  Form  balanced  batch.  The  selected  patches  with       ℎ=0      =0      =0
           qualified PIC distribution form a balanced batch to train the
           proposed BSR. The computation of PIC and BSR network   It represents how much texture information is contained in
           structure is revealed later.                       the  patch.  The  gradient  magnitude  is  calculated  by  Sobel
                                                              operations as follows:

                                                                         −1 0 +1           +1 +2 +1
                                                                                                        0�         (2)
                                                                        = �−2 0 +2� ,      = �   0     0
                                                                         −1 0 +1           −1 −2 −1
                                                                                                        = |     | + |     |                             (3)

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