Page 595 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 595

XaaS                                                     3

            7.3.3   Virtual desktop resource allocation and distribution

            The virtual desktop resource allocation and distribution function is manually accessed by an administrator or
            dynamically operated by the operational policy management function (see clause 7.3.4). The virtual desktop
            resource allocation and distribution function:
            –       receives the resource usage from the monitoring and controlling virtual desktop resource function
                    (see  clause  7.3.1)  and  provides  an  administrator  or  a  resource  scheduler  with  the  analysis  of
                    resource usage statically or dynamically;
                    NOTE – This analysis includes the resource usage state, resource usage pattern, and modification history, etc.
                    A resource scheduler requests the resource distribution to virtualization infrastructure based on the analysis
                    of resource usage.
            –       determines resources to be allocated to or released from a virtual desktop, respectively, through
                    the interface of the resource assignment function (see clause 7.1.2);
            –       provides  the  interfaces  to  allocate  and  distribute  the  resources  for  the  pre-configured  virtual
                    desktop environment when a virtual desktop is created or changed;
            –       applies the operational policy dynamically or manually from the operational policy management
                    function (see clause 7.3.4);

            –       allocates and distributes resources dynamically to a virtual desktop according to the operational
                    policy  (such  as  setting  the  threshold  of  resource  usage)  when  its  resources  are  insufficient  or
            –       modifies or reallocates resources to satisfy the performance of a virtual desktop from a DaaS user's
            7.3.4   Operational policy management for DaaS

            The operational policy management for DaaS function:
            –       establishes DaaS user's group policies according to CSC types and user accounts;
                    NOTE 1 – These polices are reflected in the individual user account related with a virtual desktop user profile
                    and a pre-configured environment.
            –       establishes a group policy to apply to the virtualization infrastructure or virtual desktops which use
                    the same operational policy;

                    NOTE 2 – If a DaaS user utilizes similar applications, tasks and usage patterns, they are grouped and assigned
                    to the same virtualization infrastructure with sharing resources.
                    NOTE 3 – A DaaS user's usage pattern is the information about a DaaS user's average usage of resources (e.g.,
                    CPU, memory, network and disk) from the monitoring information for a certain period. The virtualization
                    infrastructure with DaaS user's similar tasks and usage patterns can improve performance by the caching
                    process to provide a virtual desktop when the virtual desktop performs the similar tasks running on it.
            –       establishes  a  policy  of  the  limitation  or  the  arbitration  for  resource  usage  to  prohibit  the
                    performance degradation from the assignment of excessive resources;

                    NOTE 4 – In order to satisfy different DaaS user's requirements, different operational policies are reflected in
                    each resource (such as an application policy, a network plolicy, other resource policies).
            –       requests the reallocation of insufficient resources, when some resources are needed more for some
                    CSC types;
                    NOTE 5 – During this process, this function detects which resources are dominantly used from a DaaS user's
                    usage pattern according to a DaaS user's tasks.

            –       provides a policy to assign the DaaS platforms on which a virtual desktop is running;
                    NOTE 6 – This function considers the physical distance on the network from a DaaS user to a DaaS platform
                    and sets the policy on the shortest path. Otherwise, this function considers power consumption or utilization
                    of the platform according to the weighted resource usage or the number of virtual desktops operated in one
                    platform and sets the policy on the lowest utilization rate or the fewest number of virtual desktops. Also, if
                    DaaS users perform similar tasks and requests specific virtual desktop by CSC type, this function considers the
                    allocation of the pre-classified groups.

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