Page 594 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 594

3                                                       XaaS

                    •   basic information of a virtual desktop: virtual desktop ID, OS type, hypervisor type, current
                    •   H/W  resource  for  virtual  desktop:  assigned  memory  space,  the  assigned  number  of  CPUs,
                        assigned storage space, virtual desktop's IP address, virtual desktop's MAC address, accessible
                        port number, performance enhancement factor.
            –       monitors  the  run-time  information  of  virtualization  infrastructure  and  virtual  desktop.  This
                    monitoring information is dynamically monitored at run-time and usually checked periodically;
                    NOTE 4 – The run-time information includes CPU utilization, memory utilization, storage utilization, network
                    utilization, etc.
            –       performs the controls by a DaaS user and an administrator.
                    NOTE 5 – Following are the controls at both sides:
                    •   DaaS user's controls: virtual desktop state controls such as on, create, reset, pause, resume,
                        and off:
                        –   on/off: turn on or turn off a virtual desktop;
                        –   create: make a new virtual desktop;
                        –   reset: reboot the OS of a virtual desktop;
                        –   pause/resume: pause the OS maintaining a connection and resume the OS from a pause
                        –   delete: elimination of a virtual desktop.
                    •   administrator's controls: virtual desktop state controls, resource modification (CPU change,
                        memory change, storage change, adding/deleting USB, network selection etc.), virtual desktop
            7.3.2   User account and profile management

            CSU's accounts are separated into two types as follows:
            1)      administrative account for an administrator who has the authority to control and manage a system;
            2)      general user account combined with CSC types such as service level, the type of virtual desktop, the
                    authority of resource utilization, and the virtual desktop persistence user or not. See [ITU-T Y.3503].
            The user account and profile management function:
            –       classifies each CSC type and clarifies the service catalogue since different DaaS users have their own
                    accounts and profiles;
            –       manages CSU's accounts and profiles to guarantee correct access to their resources;
            –       maintains CSU's account information and provides it to the user access management function (see
                    clause 7.2.3);
            –       maintains types of profiles such as virtual desktop user profile and virtual desktop hardware profile
                    in order to build and maintain DaaS user's individual virtual desktop environments;
                    NOTE 1 – Virtual desktop user profile consists of desktop preferences and the CSU's application settings, etc.
                    NOTE 2 – Virtual desktop hardware profile includes the specific hardware configuration information to be
                    allocated to a DaaS user and the information for booting-up procedure, etc.
                    NOTE 3 – Since virtual desktop hardware profile depends on physical hardware in virtualization infrastructure,
                    the physical hardware information from hypervisor or platform is collected and stored.
            –       generates  profiles  from  CSU's  account  information  or  the  pre-configured  virtual  desktop
                    environment (such as virtual desktop user profile or template). These generated profiles are bound
                    to CSU's accounts and are reflected in a corresponding virtual desktop;
            –       saves profiles whenever they are changed;
                    NOTE 4 – For a particular CSC type (such as non-persistence), this function does not save the profile. In this
                    case, this function provides new profiles whenever a DaaS user connects a virtual desktop.
            –       prepares  and  provides  new  virtual  desktop  user  profiles  and  hardware  profiles  by  comparing
                    physical hardware information with the pre-configured environment.

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