Page 45 - ITU Journal: Volume 2, No. 1 - Special issue - Propagation modelling for advanced future radio systems - Challenges for a congested radio spectrum
P. 45

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 2(1), December 2019

          scatterer locations are defined by their coordinates   lifetimes  are  best  described  by  a  log-normal
          in the simulation area rather than their directions   distribution  for  the  radii  of  the  MPC  visibility
          with respect to the base station and user equipment   regions. For a smooth onset of the activation of a
          antennas.  As  the  model  output  is  the  transfer   specific MPC the relative contribution of each MPC
          function matrix between the base station antenna     is  modeled  by  a  gain  function,  with  a  Gaussian
          array and the antennas of the user equipment, any    profile  as  in  (4)  which  multiplies  the  complex
          kind  of  digital,  hybrid  or  analog  beamforming  is   amplitude  of  each  MPC.  Thus,  the  weight  of  a
          supported.                                           particular MPC depends on the Euclidean distance
          Massive  MIMO extensions: Visibility regions  are    between the user equipment position          and the
                                                               center of the   -th MPC visibility.
          used at the base station to model the appearance
          and  disappearance  of  clusters  along  a  physically
          large array as a death-birth process along the array.
          The appearance/disappearance of new clusters are
          modeled by a Poisson process along the array with
          intensity    new clusters per meter. The number of
          observed base station visibility regions for an array
          spanning the interval     to     is given by (4):
             (   ,    ) ∈    {  (   −    ) +     (  )}   (4)
          where E(Y) is the scenario dependent mean length
          of the visibility area at the base station [7]. Fig. 2
          shows  a  measurement  example  with  a  7.5 m        Fig. 3 – The distance on the y-axis is the propagation distance
          uniform  linear  array  in  a  line-of-sight  (LOS)    for the MPCs, whereas the time on the x-axis indicates the
                                                                             different channel snapshots.
          scenario  at  2.6 GHz.  Over  the  whole  array  the
          median value of clusters is 23, but not all of them   The lifetime of the MPC, determined by the width of
          are visible at the same spot of the array. Six clusters   the  Gaussian  profile,  is  controlled  by       ,     and  is
          can (in the median) be seen over the whole array,    modeled as a log-normal parameter as in (5) [7].
          and 17 clusters at some parts.                                                        2
                                                                         ,   (        ) =       ⁡(−  (         −    ) /2   )   (5)
                                                               The  COST  IRACON  massive  MIMO  extension  is
                                                               parameterized     and    validated   based    on
                                                               measurements for physically large outdoor arrays
                                                               at  2.6 GHz  in  LOS  and  non-LOS  (NLOS),  and  with
                                                               indoor  and  outdoor  measurements  for  closely
                                                               located  users  at  2.6 GHz.  A  detailed  model
                                                               description can be found in [7].

           Fig. 2 – Visibility regions over a large array. N(x1,x2) is the   4.   VEHICLE TO VEHICLE
           number of observed visibility regions (or clusters), Nnew is
           the number of appearing visibility regions and Nalive is the   In  this  section,  we  analyze  the  radio  channel  for
                 number of already existing visibility regions.
                                                               vehicle-to-vehicle  (V2V)  communication  from  the
          The  gain  function  describes  the  appearance  and   sub-6 GHz to the mm-wave band. We investigate the
          disappearance of individual multipath components.    challenging cases of propagation characteristics in a
          The  lifetime,  or  the  length  of  the  spatial  region   transition from LOS to NLOS in a  corner  scenario
          within  the  visibility  region  where  a  MPC  has  a   and an urban crossroad.
          significant  contribution,  is  a  random  parameter
          determining the radius of the MPC visibility region   4.1  Corner scenario at mm-waves
          and the corresponding width of the gain function.    Here we focus on the effect of the transition from
          Fig. 3 shows an example of MPC lifetime from a LOS   LOS  to  NLOS  in  a  corner  scenario.  Simultaneous
          measurement in an indoor sports hall [9]. Many of    measurements  at  30 GHz,  60 GHz  and  6.75 GHz
          the MPCs have relatively short lifetimes with a few   were  conducted  using  the  multiband  approach  in
          MPCs observed over the whole route of  the  user.    [10].  To  emulate  the  transition  of  (V2V)
          These  sports  hall  measurements  show  that  MPC   communication from LOS to obstructed line of sight

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