Page 44 - ITU Journal: Volume 2, No. 1 - Special issue - Propagation modelling for advanced future radio systems - Challenges for a congested radio spectrum
P. 44

ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries, Vol. 2(1), December 2019

          distribution parameters. For off-body propagation,   The  parameters  were  derived  from  full-wave
          due  to  the  inability  to  de-embed  the  antennas’   numerical  simulations,  and  from  wideband
          radiation  patterns  from  measurements,  the        measurements using physical liquid phantoms with
          measured loss corresponds to the system loss. The    one  antenna  fixed  at  3.5 cm  from  the  phantom’s
          model parameters represent a typical indoor office   surface while the other was moved in the air over a
          environment  [1-2],  for  static,  quasi-dynamic     spatial grid [4], or in vivo. The in to off-body channel
          (mimicking walk in a given position) and dynamic     was parameterized based on in vivo and phantom-
          user scenarios (approaching and departing from the   based measurements [5].
          AP), with both co- [2] and cross-polarized antennas
          [1]. The table also gives the model parameters for   3.    MASSIVE MIMO BELOW 6 GHz
          measurements inside a  dome-shaped discotheque
          within a ferry, with the user walking towards and    The  COST  2100  MIMO  channel  model  [6]  is  a
                                                               spatially  consistent  geometry  based  stochastic
          away from a fixed AP [3].
                                                               channel  model  (GSCM)  that  uses  the  concepts  of
          Table 1 – Summary of MPL and fading parameters for the off-  clusters and visibility regions. In COST IRACON the
                        body channel at 2.45 GHz               extension of the model to massive MIMO channels
                                Large-scale   Small-scale      [7] includes: 1) introduction of the visibility regions
                Mean path loss                                 at the base station, 2) introduction of a gain function
           Env.                   fading        fading
                   (   )               [dB]      [dB]         ∈   Ω     ∈   of individual multipath components MPCs, and 3)
                   0 [dB]
                                                               generalization  to  full  3D  geometries.  A  MATLAB
          Office  32.0-50.0  1.71   0   1.2-3.0  0.9-19.5  1.0-2.0   implementation is freely available [8].
          Ferry  25.2-64.7  1.69   0   1.7-6.5  0.8-1.5  1.5-2.1
                                                               The  visibility  regions  at  the  base  station  is
          Two variants of the MPL model are proposed for in    motivated by the fact that when the antenna array
          and  into-body  channels:  a  log-distance  model  (2)   gets physically larger, the radio channel cannot be
          and a linear model (3), i.e.                         seen as wide-sense stationary (WSS) over the array,
                  [    ] =    0,   (   ) + 10               (  /   )   (2)   clusters  appear  and  disappear,  which  means  that
                                                               both  the  angular  spread  and  the  delay  spread
                  [    ] =    0,   (   ) + 10       [    /    ]    [    ]    (3)   change over the array. This effect is not captured by
                                                               conventional MIMO channel models.
          where    is the Tx-Rx distance,    0,  /   (   ) is the MPL   Measurements  in  [9]  indicate  that  individual
          at the reference distance     usually taken at 1 cm,   multipath  components  (MPCs)  have  a  limited
          and     and     are slopes of the MPL models.        lifetime within the cluster when the user equipment
                                                               moves  with  different  MPCs  of  a  cluster  active  at
          The  in-body  channel  corresponds  to  links
          established  between  two  implants  (in2in).  Into-  different locations within a visibility region. This is
          body  covers  implants,  e.g.  an  ingested  capsule   modeled by a gain function, with a Gaussian shape
          streaming video to a receiver placed on the patient’s   in  the  spatial  domain  with  its  peak  randomly
          body (in2on) or off-body next to it (in2off). Table 2   located within the cluster for each MPC. These gain
          summarizes the model parameters for two channels:    functions act as weighting functions for the MPCs so
          between  two  implants  (in2in)  and  in  to  off-body   that  depending  on  where  the  user  equipment  is
          (in2off),  and  for  in  to  on-body  (in2on)  for  the   located  in  the  visibility  region  it  sees  different
          3.1 - 5 GHz band. The path-loss standard deviation   weighted  combinations.  This  retains  the  spatial
          around the MPL (  ), and applicable distances (  )   consistency of the model, which is also important
          are also provided.                                   when the model is used for more advanced forms of
                                                               radio-based localization and navigation.
           Table 2 – Summary of the MPL model parameters for in2in,
                in2on, and in2off-body channels at 3.1-8.5 GHz   The generalization to 3D geometries and support of
                                                               polarimetric channels allow for advanced antenna
                      (   )
                     0,   0                0,   (   )                      arrangements  to  be  used  for  massive  MIMO.  The
                    dB              dB   dB/cm  dB    cm       base  stations,  individual  antenna  locations,  user
                                                               equipment,  scatterer  locations,  and  visibility
           in2in     -       -      45     4.6   4.3   3-8
           in2off   70.4-71.5  0.7-1.4   -   -    -   4-50     regions can all be described by their 3D coordinates.
           in2on   -12.2-35.8  5.8-9.3  14.8-53.4  4.5-7.4  5-5.7  2.8-8   Antenna  gain  patterns  are  included  for  each
                                                               antenna.  The  COST  family  of  channel  models
                                                               inherently captures spherical wave front effects as

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