P. 53


                                              Yoshitoshi Murata ; Tomoki Yamato 2
                              1  Faculty of Software and Information Science, Iwate Prefectural University
                                    2 Solution Strategic Department, DOCOMO Technology, Inc.

                              ABSTRACT                        One of the main reasons why the cost of introducing existing
                                                              powered  prosthetics  is  too  expensive  may  be  that  the
           Several million people around the world live with limb loss.   prosthetic market is not open. A number of manufacturers
           Prosthetics are useful to improve their quality of life, and   provide them as an integrated device, and the components
           some  powered  prosthetics  enable  them  to  walk  naturally.   are not compatible between different manufacturers.
           However, most are too expensive for most amputees to afford.
           We  propose  a  module  structure  for  a  foot  prosthetic  and   Introducing  a  module  structure  to  prosthetics  and
           standardized interfaces between modules to lower the price   standardizing the interface between modules will enable the
           of  powered  ones.  The  prosthetic  is  battery-powered  and   price of powered prosthetics to be lower. In this paper, we
           controlled by data from sensors built into the heel of a shoe   propose  a  module  structure  for  foot  prosthetics  with
           for a healthy foot. Some modules can be applied to people   standardized components.
           with walking disabilities. Such standardization can lower the
           price of such modules, and many amputees and people with   Our  paper  is  outlined  as  follows.  Existing  power-assist
           walking disabilities, such as hemiplegia, can easily afford   prosthetic leg designs are introduced in section 2. The results
           them, which can help improve their quality of life.   of  our  research  related  to  the  gait  of  stroke  patients  are
                                                              introduced in section 3. We developed a walking assist shoe
            Keywords – Amputee, foot prosthetic, gait assist, walking   that has a coil and leaf spring to easily raise the heel. Its
                               disability                     structure  and  effect  of  raising  the  heel  are  introduced  in
                                                              section  4.  Our  proposed  module  structure  for  a  foot
                         1.  INTRODUCTION                     prosthetic  is  introduced  in  section  5.  The  heel-up  spring,
                                                              which is one of the modules comprising the foot prosthetic,
           As the percentage of elderly people in the world’s population   is  derived  from  the  results  of  the  walking  assist  shoe
           is increasing [1], the number of functionally impaired people,  introduced in section 4. We conclude in section 6.
           such  as  those  with  cerebrovascular  diseases,  will  also
           increase.  People  with  such  diseases  often  have  walking   2.  EXISTING POWER-ASSIST FOOT
           disabilities,  which  increases  their  risk  of  falling  and        PROSTHETIC
           consequently injuring themselves [2]. One main cause of this
           is due to their inability to raise their heel and swing their toes   In  this  section,  we  introduce  existing  powered  foot
           up because of muscle weakness [3].                 prosthetics.  Ottobock  in  Germany  and  Ösuur  in  Iceland
                                                              provide  such  prosthetics  to  consumers  and  the
           There are nearly 2 million people living with limb loss in the   Biomechatronics Group, a research group within MIT Media
           United States [4]. Maurice LeBlanc estimated the number of   Lab., has also developed some models.
           amputees was approximately 10 million in the world, with
           30% comprising arm amputees [5]. Therefore, the number of   Ottobock provides a power-assist foot prosthetic called “1B1
           leg  amputees  was  7  million.  Leg  amputees  use  foot   Meridium [6].” Its mechanism is shown in Figure 1. It adopts
           prosthetics to improve their quality of life. However, low-  a  hydraulic  pressure  mechanism,  in  which  a  hydraulic
           priced foot prosthetics have rigid ankle parts and no power   pressure cylinder pushes and pulls a lever on the toe plate,
           drive mechanism, which makes it difficult to raise the heel   causing the instep to rise and fall, respectively.
           and  swing  the  toes  up.  Therefore,  most  users  need  more
           power to move their foot. Powered foot prosthetics enable   Össur  provides  a  power-assist  foot  prosthetic  called
           users  to  move  their  foot  easily  and  walk  more  naturally.   “PROPRIO FOOT  [7]” shown in Figure 2. Due to a lack of
           However,  such  prosthetics  are  too  expensive  for  most   relevant material on the product's operation, we assume from
           amputees. One example is that in Japan it costs more than 2   observations that an air cylinder positioned in the area of the
           million yen ($18,000).                             Achilles' tendon raises and lowers the foot part.

           978-92-61-28401-5/CFP1968P-ART @ ITU 2019       – 33 –                                    Kaleidoscope
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