Page 913 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 913

Transport aspects                                              2

      MS messages

            An FTU-R selecting the ITU-T G.9701 mode of operation in an ITU-T G.994.1 MS message shall set to ONE
            the  ITU-T  G.9701  SPar(1)  bit  as  defined  in  Table  11.0.4  of  [ITU-T  G.994.1].  The  NPar(2)  (Table 11.69  of
            [ITU-T  G.994.1])  and  SPar(2)  (Table  11.70  of  [ITU-T  G.994.1])  fields  corresponding  to  the  ITU-T  G.9701
            Spar(1) bit are defined in Table 12-17 and Table 12-18, respectively. For each ITU-T G.9701 SPar(2) bit set to
            ONE,  a  corresponding  NPar(3)  field  shall  also  be  present  (beginning  with  Table 11.70.1  in  clause  9.4  of
            [ITU-T G.994.1]). Table 12-19 shows the definitions and coding for the FTU-R MS NPar(3) fields.

                                   Table 12-17 – FTU-R MS message NPar(2) bit definitions

              ITU-T G.994.1 NPar(2) bit                        Definition of NPar(2) bit

             Support of special probe   Set to ONE if and only if this bit is set to ONE in both the last previous CLR message
             sequence                 and the last previous CL message. If set to ONE, both the FTU-O and the FTU-R shall
                                      use the special sequence indicated in the last previous CL message during Channel
                                      Discovery 1-1 and Channel Discovery 1 stages.
             Default CE length        Set to ONE if and only if this bit is set to ONE in both the last previous CLR message
                                      and the last previous CL message. If set to ONE, both the FTU-O and the FTU-R shall
                                      use the default CE length LCP = m × N/64, where m = 10 and the CE length Spar(2) bit
                                      shall be set to ZERO.
             Default number of symbol   Set to ONE if and only if this bit is set to ONE in both the last previous CLR message
             periods in TDD Frame     and the last previous CL message. If set to ONE, both the FTU-O and the FTU-R shall
                                      use the default MF value 36 and the number of symbol periods in TDD frame Spar(2)
                                      bit shall be set to ZERO.

                                   Table 12-18 – FTU-R MS message SPar(2) bit definitions

              ITU-T G.994.1 SPar(2) bit                       Definition of SPar(2) bit
             Profiles                Always set to ONE.
             DS transmission band    Always set to ZERO.
             Number of downstream    Always set to ZERO.
             symbol positions in TDD
             RFIBANDS                Always set to ZERO.
             Duration of Channel     Always set to ZERO.
             Discovery 1-1
             CE length               Shall be set to ONE if and only if this bit is set to ONE in both the last previous CLR
                                     message and the last previous CL message. If set to ONE, indicates that the CE length
                                     multiplier to be used by both the FTU-O and the FTU-R shall be communicated in the
                                     corresponding CE length multiplier NPar(3) field.
                                     If set to ZERO, the default CE length LCP = m × N/64, where m = 10 shall be used.
             Number of symbol        Shall be set to ONE if and only if both the last previous CLR and the last previous CL
             periods in TDD frame    messages have set this bit to ONE. If set to ONE, indicates that the number of symbol
                                     periods in TDD frame to be used by both the FTU-O and the FTU-R shall be
                                     communicated in the corresponding NPar(3) field.
                                     If set to ZERO, the mandatory value of MF = 36 shall be used.
             IARBANDS                Always set to ZERO.
             Scrambler seed          Always set to ZERO.
             Special probe sequence   Always set to ZERO.
             IDS                     Always set to ZERO.

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