Page 617 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 617

Transport aspects                                              2

            9.2.2   Single uplink signal transmission

            Figure 9-5 shows the typical experimental set-up for measuring the transmission quality of a typical LTE
            signal. It consists of an LTE VSG, a variable electrical attenuator (VEA), an RoF Tx, three SMFs, a VOA, an
            EDFA, an OBPF, an RoF Rx, and an LTE SA. The LTE VSG generated a typical uplink LTE signal with the radio
            carrier frequency of 2.535 GHz, the bandwidth of 1.4 to 20 MHz, and the power of −10 dBm, in which the
            LTE  band  #7  was  assumed  (see  [b-3GPP  TS  36.101]).  To  emulate  a  free-space  propagation  loss,  the
            generated LTE signal was manually attenuated by 50 to 90 dB with the VEA. To generate a desired RoF
            signal, the LTE signal was input into the RoF Tx, which corresponded to an ONU. In the RoF Tx, the LTE
            signal was electrically amplified by 52 dB with a low noise amplifier (LNA) and then was converted with a
            laser diode (LD) to an optical signal. The generated RoF signal with a centre wavelength of 1 551.7 nm and a
            power of about 10 dBm was transmitted over 25 km, 5 km, and 15 km cascaded SMFs (total: 40 km) and
            the VOA to an OLT. The VOA emulates an additional optical path loss. In the OLT, the received RoF signal
            was amplified with the EDFA followed by the OBPF. The gain of EDFA was fixed to 20 dB and the OBPF with
            the  3 dB  bandwidth  of  1 nm  was  used  to  eliminate  undesired  ASE  noise  from  the  EDFA.  The  optically
            amplified RoF signal was detected with the RoF Rx to regenerate the LTE signal, where the RoF Rx consisted
            of a photodetector (PD) and a post-amplifier (PA) with the variable gain of 25 to 40 dB. Finally, the EVM and
            the electrical spectrum of regenerated LTE signal were measured with the LTE SA.

                                UNI          S/R               R/S                             SNI
                                      ONU             ODN                      OLT
                                    E/O converter                           O/E converter
                 f RF : 2.535 GHz
                  BW: 1.4 to  50-90 dB  λ c : 1551.7 nm  25+5+10 km  0-30 dB
                   20 MHz           BW:  3 GHz                    Gain: 20 dB  BW: 1 nm  BW:  3 GHz
                  LTE VSG   VOA       RoF Tx               VOA       EDFA     OBPF      RoF Tx     LTE SA
                                                 3 cascaded
                 LTE band #7                      SMFs                                             EVM
                          Additional                    Additional                               measurement
                          propagation                   optical path
                         loss emulation                loss emulation
                                  52 dB                                                    25-40 dB
                                   LNA     LD                                        PD      PA
                                                                                              G Suppl.55(15)_F9-5

                                          Figure 9-5 – Typical experimental set-up

            Figure 9-6 shows the measured EVM as a function of optical path loss to evaluate the available dynamic
            range  of  optical  path  loss.  The  measurement  was  done  when  the  input  RF  power  to  the  RoF  Tx  was
            −65 dBm. For an optical path loss ranging from 10 to 40 dB, the observed EVMs appear to be constant at
            approximately 3% for both a 20 MHz-bandwidth 64-QAM signal (which provides the maximum bit rate) and
            a 1.4 MHz-bandwidth QPSK signal (which provides the minimum bit rate). They were within the required
            EVM  for  a  64-QAM  of  8%  and  QPSK  of  17.5%,  respectively  (see  [b-3GPP  TS  36.104]).  From  this
            measurement, the available dynamic range of optical path loss was larger than 16 dB at least. These results
            show that the uplink transmission of an LTE signal over a fibre-optic link can be applicable to all the ODN
            classes specified in the ITU-T G.98x series under the condition of relatively high modulation index.

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