Page 590 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 590

2                                                 Transport aspects

            an E/O converter in the optical transceiver. The generated downlink analogue RoF signal is transmitted over
            the fibre-optic link. At the remote antenna end, the received downlink RoF signal is optically detected using
            an  O/E  converter  in  the  optical  transceiver.  The  detected  electrical  signal,  which  is  the  same  as  the
            modulating RF-band subcarrier signal, becomes the desired downlink RF signal. For the uplink, a received
            uplink RF signal modulates an optical carrier using another E/O converter in the optical transceiver. The
            generated uplink analogue RoF signal is transmitted over the fibre-optic link. At the local office end, the
            received uplink RoF signal is optically detected using another O/E converter in the optical transceiver. The
            detected electrical signal, which is the same as the uplink RF-band subcarrier signal, is demodulated with
            the RF-band demodulator to recover the uplink payload data.
            In an IF-band RoF transmission scheme such as that shown in Figure 6-1-b, the system consists of an IF-
            band modulator, an IF-band demodulator, a pair of optical transceivers, a fibre-optic link, an IF-to-RF up-
            converter, an RF-to-IF down-converter, and a reference frequency generator. Because the IF is typically
            much lower that the RF, the IF-band RoF transmission scheme offers a much improved optical bandwidth
            efficiency  compared  to  the  RF-band  RoF  transmission  scheme.  For  the  downlink,  an  IF-band  carrier  is
            modulated by downlink payload data using the IF-band modulator at the local office end. The generated
            downlink  IF-band  subcarrier  signal  modulates  an  optical  carrier  using  an  E/O  converter  in  the  optical
            transceiver. The generated downlink analogue RoF signal is transmitted over the fibre-optic link. At the
            remote antenna end, the received downlink RoF signal is optically detected using an O/E converter in the
            optical transceiver. The detected electrical signal, which is the same as the modulating IF-band subcarrier
            signal, is frequency up-converted using the IF-to-RF up-converter and a reference frequency to the desired
            downlink RF signal. The characteristics of the reference frequency should be designed to be satisfied with
            the frequency stability of the downlink RF signal. For the uplink, a received uplink RF signal is frequency
            down-converted using the RF-to-IF down-converter to an IF-band subcarrier signal. The generated uplink
            IF-band  subcarrier  signal  modulates  an  optical  carrier  using  another  E/O  converter  in  the  optical
            transceiver. The generated uplink analogue RoF signal is transmitted over the fibre-optic link. At the local
            office end, the received uplink RoF signal is optically detected using another O/E converter in the optical
            transceiver.  The  detected  electrical  signal,  which  is  the  same  as  the  uplink  IF-band  subcarrier  signal,  is
            demodulated using the IF-band demodulator to recover the uplink payload data. In an IF-band RoF and
            reference frequency transmission scheme, such as that shown in Figure 6-1-c, the system configuration is
            the same as that of the IF-band RoF transmission scheme shown in Figure 6-1-b, except that the reference
            frequency is provided from the local office end and is delivered to the remote antenna site.

            Since the main parts of the radio transceiver, such as electrical modulator and demodulator, can be located
            at the local office end, the configuration of each equipment at the remote end becomes simpler. In some
            cases  (for  example,  those  involving  no  change  in  the  frequency  band  of  interest),  this  architecture  can
            easily offer an upgrade to the latest radiocommunication service without any change of configuration at
            the antenna site. Since the main part of the radio transceiver is located at the operator's site, it is also easy
            to repair or renew the unit. This also offers a step towards a future optical access network (OAN), which
            can  realize  higher-speed  transmission  and  provide multi-granular  bandwidth resources, such  as  an  OAN
            based on orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). In the configurations shown in Figures 6-1-a
            and  6-1-c,  no  reference  frequency  generator  is  required  at  the  remote  end,  resulting  in  a  simpler
            configuration  of  remote  equipment.  In  the  configurations  shown  in  Figure  6-1-b  and  -c,  the  reference
            frequency  value  can  be  also  decreased  if  a  sub-harmonic  mixing  technique  is  used  in  the  IF-to-RF  and
            RF-to-IF converters.

            6.1.2   Equivalent low-pass (equivalent baseband) signal(s) transmission
            Figure 6-2 illustrates general and fundamental architectures for transmitting orthogonal equivalent low-
            pass  (equivalent  baseband)  signals,  such  as  (non-binary)  in-phase  and  quadrature-phase  (I/Q)  baseband
            signals. In Figure 6-2, it is assumed that equipment on the left side of the fibre-optic link is located in the
            local office and equipment on the right side is located at the remote antenna.

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