Page 90 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 90

Figure 13.    Latest research on MCF connectors [20],
           [21]. (a) and (b) are photographs of MU and SC type MCF
           connectors, respectively. (c) is a schematic image of a
           rotatable ferrule. (d) is a photograph of a pluggable
           add/drop module using the MCF and a planar  lightwave

           core and 8-core MCFs, is analysed to derive the correlation
           coefficient  ZNCC. Then, rotational angle alignment is
           performed to maximise the correlation coefficient as shown
           in  Fig. 14 (d). Here, it should be noted that the proposed
           algorithm  can  be  used  not only for aligning the multiple
           cores but also for aligning the  marker  used in the  MCF.
           These results show that the side-view alignment technique
           can potentially be used for realizing an automatic  fusion   Fig. 14  Side-view  based  rotational angle alignment
           splice for MCF. Thus, it can be said that the key technology   technique [22]. (a) shows a photograph of sample MCFs.
           for MCF splicing has already been established, and this is   (b)  shows example average brightness characteristics as a
           important in terms discussing the reality of  random   function of the cross sectional  direction  obtained with 4-
           connection using the multi-vendor solution.        core MCF. (c) shows example average brightness
              As a result, SDM optical wiring is  becoming  a  real   characteristics as a function of the cross sectional direction
           technology, and it  is  a  good  time to start discussing the   obtained  with 8-core  MCF.  (d)  shows  an  example
           standardization of these new physical layer technologies in   relationship between the correlation coefficient ZNCC and
           order to open up the next generation optical communication   the rotational angle.
           strategy and new future markets.
                                                              also proposed a tier approach that takes the application area
                           5. CONCLUSION                      and mass-producibility  into  consideration and  which  is
                                                              beneficial for realizing the smooth and effective spread of
           This paper investigated the potential of SDM technology as   MCF technology. Finally, we showed that 125 µm cladding
           a new strategy for next generation optical networks. We   MCF technology including a connector and fusion splicing
           pointed out that the SDM concept can potentially be used   technique is now ready thus allowing the discussion of its
           not only for overcoming the future  capacity  crunch  in   use for real applications. We believe that it is a good time to
           conventional  G.652  fibre  but  also for providing a key   start a discussion on  the  standardization of SDM optical
           solutions to such issues as achieving effective infrastructure   wiring so that we can open up the next generation optical
           operation/management and lower power consumption. We    communication strategy and new future markets.

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