Page 45 - FerMUN 2020 - Futurecasters Global Young Visionaries Summit, 8th-10th January 2020
P. 45

FORUM: International Labour Organisation
               ISSUE: Managing the potential risks and opportunities of the “4th industrial revolution” for the
               global job market
               MAIN SUBMITTER: United Kingdom
               CO-SUBMITTERS: Apple, Argentina, China, France, Germany, Kenya,  Netherlands, Russia, Saudi
               Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden

                      The International Labour Organisation committee,

               Deeply concerned about the negative effects of AI such as losing jobs,

               Aware of the need to expand the inclusion of the internet and technology to minorities, low-
               income households, and the elderly,

               Keeping in mind the benefits of the new technology created with the 4th industrial revolution,

               Recognizing ITU Resolution 70, which states the need for equitable participation in technology

               of women and girls,

               Further recognizing the General Assembly resolution 70/1 in 2015 to provide economic growth

               for all, including youth development in technology and equality of education,

                   1.  Encourages States to collaborate with private companies to create programs to reskill
                      employees, such as but not limited to:

                          a.  Coding  programs  to  transition  non-technical  employees  into  software
                              engineering jobs,
                          b.  Programs targeted to train employees for IT support roles that won’t be taken

                              over by new technology,
                          c.  Crash courses in centres to teach people to use AI and transition into new jobs,
                          d.  Internships in the technological setting after finishing this type of course;

                   2.  Mandates the need to develop new laws and regulations on the topic of AI to minimise
                      job losses and keep people on a healthy income, such that:

                          a.  If a person were to lose their job due to automation or replacement by machine
                              learning software, they may take AI courses provided by the employer,
                          b.  Companies should respect standards for firing rates, imposed and fixed by each

                   3.  Ensures the necessary skills needed to enter the fourth industrial revolution is provided
                      to people of all ages through :

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