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  ITU-T A.5 justification information for referenced document MEF 6.2 in draft G.8011/Y.1307
1. Clear description of the referenced document:
Name: MEF 6.2
Title: MEF EVC Ethernet Service Definitions Phase 3, August 2014. This document defines three Service constructs called Ethernet Service Types and six Ethernet Services with Service Attributes and parameters as specified in MEF 10.3, “Ethernet Services Attributes” [6] and in MEF 45, “Multi-CEN Layer 2 Control Protocol” [17]. These Service Types are used to create Point-to-Point, Multipoint-to-Multipoint, and Rooted-Multipoint Ethernet Services that are either Port or VLAN based. In addition, an informative appendix is provided showing examples of some of the defined Services.
2. Status of approval:
Approved in 2014. Previous revision approved in 2008
3. Justification for the specific reference:
The Ethernet service definitions in MEF 6.2 form the basis of this Recommendation.
4. Current information, if any, about IPR issues:
No known issues.
5. Other useful information describing the "Quality" of the document:
Commonly referenced all over the world for metro Ethernet services.
6. The degree of stability or maturity of the document:
Commonly referenced all over the world for metro Ethernet services.
7. Relationship with other existing or emerging documents:
MEF 10.3 is the base service attributes for the service definitions in MEF 6.2.
8. Any explicit references within that referenced document should also be listed:
1. IEEE Std 802.1Q™ – 2011, “Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges and Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks”, August 2011/
2. IETF RFC 2119, “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, March 1997”/
3. MEF Technical Specification MEF 3, “Circuit Emulation Service Definitions, Framework and Requirements in Metro Ethernet Networks”, April 13, 2004,/
4. MEF Technical Specification MEF 6.1, “Ethernet Services Definitions - Phase 2”, April 2008/
5. MEF Technical Specification MEF 6.1.1, “L2CP Amendment to MEF 6.1”, January 2012./
6. MEF Technical Specification MEF 10.3, “Ethernet Services Attributes Phase 3”, October 2013/
7. MEF Technical Specification MEF 10.2, “Ethernet Services Attributes”, July 2009/
8. MEF Technical Specification MEF 12.1, ETH layer Architecture, July 2010/
9. MEF Technical Specification MEF 16, “Ethernet Local Management Interface”, January 2006/
10. MEF Technical Specification MEF 17, “Service OAM Requirements & Framework – Phase 1”, April 2007/
11. MEF Technical Specification MEF 20, “UNI Type 2 IA”, July 2008/
12. MEF Technical Specification MEF 22.1, “Mobile Backhaul IA- Phase 2”, January 2012/
13. MEF Technical Specification MEF 23.1, “Class of Service IA”, January 2012/
14. MEF Technical Specification MEF 26.1, “ENNI”, January 2012/
15. MEF Technical Specification MEF 30.1, “Service OAM Fault Management IA Phase 2”, April 2013/
16. MEF Technical Specification MEF 33, “Access Services”, January 2012/
17. MEF Technical Specification MEF 45, “Multi-CEN L2CP”, August 2014.
9. Qualification of MEF:
The MEF was recognized under the provisions of ITU-T Recommendation A.5 on 24 September 2002. Qualifying information is on file with TSB.
9.5     The IPR policy of the MEF may be found in Article 10 of the MEF Bylaws which are available on the MEF public WEB site
9.6     All MEF Technical Specifications, Implementation Agreements, and Test Specifications are approved by an electronic letter ballot of all MEF members. For a MEF document to pass an electronic letter ballot at least a quorum of members (defined by the MEF bylaws as 1/3 of the MEF membership) must vote Yes or No. In addition, of the Yes plus No votes at least 75% of the votes must be Yes.
9.7     All published MEF documents are available for download free of charge in PDF or WORD format from the MEF public WEB site .
9.8     Each revision of a given MEF document has a different MEF number.
10. Other (for any supplementary information):
Note: This form is based on Recommendation ITU-T A.5