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Intellectual property rights (IPR) in ITU-T Recommendations

Patent statement declaration registered as G994_1-15

Recommendation number: G.994.1
ITU registration date: 1998-09-28
Statement declaration date: 1998-09-21
Patent holder/organization: Motorola Inc.
Main contact: Corporate Vice President and General Manager, Communication Transmission and Access Systems Division
Address: 3501 Ed Bluestein Boulevard
Austin, Texas 78721
United States
Tel.: +1 512 933 6110
Fax: +1 512 933 5505
Declaration form version: Declared without the use of the form.
Licensing declaration: Pat. pol. 2.2 (Under the condition of reciprocity)
Late submission remark: -
Statement remark: -
Archived declaration:
No patent number associated to that declaration.
Disclaimer: This database only displays information communicated to the ITU Secretariat, and is not certified to be either accurate or complete.
The ITU secretariat does not verify the veracity, completeness or accuracy of the information contained in the Patent and Software Declaration Forms, including the actual or potential essentiality of patents or patent applications declared as essential to ITU-T Recommendations.